Saturday, September 28, 2019

Joe and Hunter Biden: Shine the Light on the Truth and Turn Off the Trump Darkness

Trust two pathological liars or reputable father and son
(Or Ukrainian investigation that cleared the son)

My part in trying to set the record straight re: Hunter Biden and the whole Trump-Ukraine mess.

Forbes: Trump and Giuliani, repeatedly claim that Biden and his son, Hunner, engaged in corruption while the two had dealings in Ukraine. 

No evidence (NY Times) of corruption has ever been found.

Historical Facts:

1.  In May 2014, Hunter Biden took a board seat on Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma Holdings. He was reportedly paid $50,000 per month.

2.  Burisma had ties (New Yorker) to Ukraine’s previous president Viktor Yanukovych, who was ousted from office. 

3.  As VP Joe Biden was tasked with reducing corruption in Ukraine after Yanukovych ⁠— who was eventually charged (The Guardian) with “mass killing. He then exiled (BBC) himself to Crimea amid threats of civil war. 

4.  The overlap between Biden and son raised concerns over a potential conflict of interest. The Obama White House said there was no issue with Hunter Biden’s work, and that no conflict of interest existed, or ever proven.

5.  In 2016, and with the support of other world leaders, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. aid unless Ukraine’s leaders fired the country’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, for being too soft on corruption⁠⁠ — which they did

6.  Before Shokin was fired, he had been conducting an investigation of Burisma, and Hunter Biden allegedly was a subject. But that had been inactive (Bloomberg) for over a year by the time Joe Biden pushed for Shokin’s ouster.

7.  Hunter Biden stepped down from his Burisma board seat in April 2019, saying a renewal could possibly hurt his father’s presidential campaign and he refused the new contract offer.

Different report – same story here from BloombergAfter Joe Biden became vice president in 2009, his son, Hunter a lawyer by training, pursued business opportunities with foreign parties, often in ways that intersected with his father’s work.

In May 2014, Cyprus-registered Burisma Holdings, one of the largest natural gas companies in Ukraine, announced that Hunter Biden had joined its board.

The company was at a sensitive point. Mykola Zlochevsky, who founded Burisma in 2002, later served as Ukraine’s environment minister under President Viktor Yanukovych.

In February 2014, mass protests swept Yanukovych from power. Many Western governments encouraged Ukraine’s new leaders to investigate corruption. (Note Agan: Hunter Biden started working there in May 2014).

The U.K. froze $23 million in London bank accounts linked to Zlochevsky and sought Ukraine’s help to build a money-laundering case.

After the U.K. request, Ukrainian prosecutors opened their own investigation into Zlochevsky, first looking at whether he embezzled public funds. Burisma and Zlochevsky have denied any wrongdoing. Zlochevsky’s lawyer, Petro Boyko, declined to comment.

That spring, Burisma began adding several prominent foreigners to its board. In a statement announcing Hunter Biden’s role, Burisma said: “It was part of an effort to introduce best corporate practices at the firm. Mr. Biden would advise on transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion, and other priorities.”

Hunter Biden’s compensation for serving on the board was apparently routed through Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC, a U.S. company set up by one of his business partners, Devon Archer, who also served as a Burisma director. 

Bank records from 2014 and 2015, disclosed in unrelated litigation, show the company receiving funds from Burisma and paying more than $850,000 to the younger Biden.

I Note – maybe correctly or not, but …That figures does not equal $50,000 a month if we divide $850,000 by 24 months (period 2014 and 2015). Pretty simple math to me makes that about $36,000 a month or $1,200 a day for his foreign travel, living and legal expenses – and that sounds reasonable.

Also, BTW: Where is the GOP outrage over Trump leasing out and hanging his name on property all over the world for hundreds of millions in fees paid to him for that name use? 

So, I wonder seriously Mr. and Mrs. Gee Old Party, why so silent (a huge smile also included).

Hunter Biden remained on the Burisma board until April 2019. He was offered a new contract, but he did not accept it saying in essence that could hurt his father’s campaign.

F/N: Here is an interesting article on this by SARAH CHAYES, author of “Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens National Security” her book about corruption in the United States.

My 2 cents: This all shows me one thing and that is Donald J. Trump is still up to his con game and tactics he used in 2016 to achieve this sacred office. 

That is: (1) to blame anyone; (2) deflect the truth and get loyalists in line the same way; (3) keep name-calling, insulting, and falsely accusing opponents; and (4) deny any and everything that does not directly benefit only him. 

The sooner he is out of office the better for us all. In a word: Trump is incorrigible

Thanks for stropping by.

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