Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Headlines: Bolton Unloads on Trump’s Foreign Policy at Private Closed Door Lunch

Not the look of lust; more like the look of disgust

John Bolton, Trump’s third fired national security adviser, harshly criticized Trump’s foreign policy on at a private lunch for invited guests only by the Gatestone Institute, a conservative think tank, which BTW: Bolton was the previous chairman, and now has resumed that title.

Bolton said in part:Inviting the Taliban to Camp David sent a terrible signal and that it was disrespectful to the victims of 9/11 because the Taliban had harbored al-Qaeda. Any negotiations with North Korea and Iran were doomed to failure and that that there were no signs that either country had any plans to give up their nuclear weapons,” (that according to two attendees).

He further said that all the North Koreans and Iranians want to do is negotiate for relief from sanctions to support their economies. He continued to rip into Trump, without using his name and several times (that also according to one attendee).

Bolton said more than once that Trump’s failure to respond to the Iranian attack on an American drone earlier this summer set the stage for the Islamic Republic’s aggression in recent months. Bolton even suggested that had the U.S. retaliated for the U.S. drone shoot down, that Iran might not have attacked the Saudi oil fields just recently.

Bolton called the oil field attack on Saudi Arabia, which U.S. and Saudi officials have blamed on Iran, an act of war by anyone’s definition.

Ironically, Bolton’s comments come on the same day that Trump named Bolton’s successor: hostage negotiator Robert O’Brien, who Trump introduced while speaking on an airport tarmac in LA. 

Trump said O’Brien, now his 4th top foreign policy advisor, was “…highly respected” and he hailed their “…good chemistry.”

Trump sees O’Brien as a more compatible adviser than Bolton, whose disagreements and clashes with him and other senior W/H officials often spilled into public view.

FYI: Bolton didn't immediately respond to a request for any comment on this story. Maybe later he will most likely unload on Trump a lot more.

My 2 cents: This underscores my contention (and of many others) that Bolton should never had the position in the first.

Hell, the whole world knows Bolton's middle name is “Warmonger.”

This latest also underscores Trump’s original pledge to the public that he would only pick the finest and most-qualified people ever to advise him and protect us.

That pledge like hundreds of others has gone down the proverbial drain pretty damn fast and it further underscores how inept Trump truly is this position as our president. That in and of itself is very damn scary.

Thanks for stopping by.

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