Tuesday, August 13, 2019

T-3 (Trump's Terrible Tariffs): Not So Bad Right Tim “Apple” Asks President Orange

Just Saving Words Among Old Friends

Pop Quiz? Who pays for Trump’s tariffs? 

Tariff (def. noun): A tax or duty paid on a particular class of imports or exports by the consumer not the producer or manufacturer.

Same subject — this update. And I note, very timely for big PAC money to line up for Trump 2020 (my hunch) this article from CNBC.

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), Robert Lighthizer, announced the next steps in the process of imposing an additional tariff of 10% on approximately $300 billion of Chinese imports.

Background: On May 17, 2019, the USTR office published a list of products imported from China that would be potentially subject to an additional 10% tariff. This “new tariff” is set to go into effect on September 1 (as announced by President Trump on August 1). 

Now, however, certain products are being removed from the tariff list based on: (1) health, (2) safety, (3) national security, and (4) other factors will not face the additional 10% hike.

Further, as part of USTR's public comment and hearing process, it was determined that the total new tariff should be delayed to December 15 for certain articles. Products in that group include, for example, (1) cell phones, (2) laptop computers, (3) video game consoles, (4) certain toys, (5) computer monitors, (6) certain items of footwear, and (7) clothing. 

The USTR will publish on its website, and in the Federal Register as soon as possible regarding the additional details and lists of the tariff lines affected by this new announcement, and they intend to conduct an exclusion process for other products subject to the new additional tariff. 

My 2 cents: Tim “Apple’s” stock shot went up on this news – thanks to “The Donald.” Other import giants campaign checks are expected soon (good guess). But, this policy shift is more than just helping U.S. business avoid the new tariffs or create jobs, right? So what can we call it? Oh yeah this:

This tariff policy possibly sinister??? 

Stay tuned for more I am sure as “Art of the Con” goes into full 2020 campaign fundraising mode (if not already). 

Thanks for stopping by.

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