Sunday, August 18, 2019

More Background on Trump: Most of Which His Loyal Base Completely Ignores

Incredible Shrinking President and His Cabinet

Footnote from the linked story: This is unprecedented in recent history. Through this point in their presidencies, none of the preceding six presidents had weathered more turnover in the 24 offices that constitute Trump’s Cabinet then has.

Introduction to the following simple basics about Trump in this excellent October 2016 editorial from The Atlantic published.  A lot of which many people probably have forgotten, yet millions of Trump loyalists still don’t believe or trust and still cheer and trust:

1.    “He is a demagogue, a xenophobe, a sexist, a know-nothing, and a habitual liar.”
2.    “He expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself.”
3.    “He is easily goaded, which is a poor quality for someone seeking control of America’s nuclear arsenal.”
4.    “He is an enemy of fact-based discourse.”
5.    “He is ignorant of, and indifferent to the Constitution.”
6.    “It also appears that he does not read much.”

Plus these highlights, so cheer all you Trump lovers:

Food for thought: Take any ultra-far right, FOX-Hannity, et al spewing / or Alex Jones and Roger Stone crap, or any other way out there person or group and their hateful wacky ideas and see how Trump is rolling them up into policy and making America into Trump World. Prime examples:

1. Cutting back on the endangered species list.

2. Denying science in most areas.

3. Saying “short range” missiles by Kim Jong-un are no threat - FYI: Seoul with 10 million people only 30 miles from NK.

4. Constant hammering on the less-fortunate saying they get too much “free stuff” and cutting back or out of public assistance.

5. More guns are better than less.

6. And, so much more far right, ultra-crazy GOP-Conservative crap.

7. And over 11,000 documented lies to cover his own äss.

etc., etc., etc.

My 2 cents: Not much else to add or say about this man except he continues this same daily routine unchecked more or less, except to blame factual reporting as Fake News a phrase which is base also loves. 

I always wonder how anyone can trust, believe, or have any faith in him as our president — that defies gravity itself, and it is truly unbelievable.

Thanks for stopping by.

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