Friday, February 15, 2019

Trump Whips Fear Where None is Needed: Bogus National Emergency Announcement

9/11 Attacks: Bona Fide National Emergency 

Trump's Wall: Not Bona Fide National Emergency

Declaring a national emergency – an emergency should be declared immediately – “definition of emergency is clear: Should or must act now.” 

Acting like this after Trump has some hissy fit like a spoiled little brat who can't get his way is not an emergency - national or otherwise.


A national emergency has historically been invoked during unusual or extraordinary threats to the United States, like:

(1)  In response to the overt threat from an adversary.
(2)  Reacting to a direct nuclear threat or actual attack.
(3)  In response to another 9/11 type attack.
(4)  To counter a major disease outbreak like (H1N1 pandemic),
(5)  To react to another 1979 Iranian Embassy takeover.

By declaring a national emergency, Trump can avail himself to dozens of specialized laws and funds he otherwise could not access through normal congressional approval and appropriation laws and rules.

Bottom Line: Trump wants the money to make a political non-critical issue point with his base for 2020 reelection, and win campaign point).

He did promised dozens of times that “Mexico will pay for the wall.” 

How’d that work out, um, Mr. Trump?

Now today (February 15, 2019), Trump as usual, brought up many of the discredited arguments he has been relying on over the last several months in his “National Emergency Declaration.”

(1)  He said drugs coming across the southern border don’t come through official ports of entry (not true).

(2)  He said El Paso, TX was dangerous before the construction of a wall (not true).

(3) He said women are being trafficked across the unguarded portions of the border (no evidence exists of this).

(4) He disputed studies that have found undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born citizens.

This declaration would allow Trump to divert funds appropriated for other purposes to build the wall.

Trump has said he would shift the money from “far less important” government programs, including DOD. (Wow – DOD not important).

A Pentagon official told the NY Times that one likely scenario would be to divert up to $2.5 billion in counter-narcotics funds to the Army Corps of Engineers.

This is a departure from Trump’s original campaign promise that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Funny in a sick pathetic sort of Trump SOP way, he did not press for money to build a wall during the two years when Republicans had control of both the Senate and House.

FYI: Illegal border crossings have declined during that time, and the administration has not explained why the border situation is now an emergency.

It is likely there will be a constitutional challenge to his declaration. It could hinge in part on Trump’s admission: “I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn’t need to do this.”

My 2 cents: Trump is a very arrogant, sick, unhinged, out of control, in over his head, ignorant president. 

Worse: This GOP-run Senate is letting him run wild. They are not doing their job, period. 

Will the courts help? They should because Trump is as the expression says:Trump poses a clear and present danger.” 

We shall see. Thanks for stopping by.

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