Thursday, January 24, 2019

Wilbur Ross Commerce Secy: Out of Touch, Over-the-Hill Arrogant Billionaire Clown

I can't hear you - too much sh*t between my ears

Pants down, foot in mouth – Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross after huge gaffe walks back his crappy comments on the hardship during this shutdown (below after this update from The Hill):

Ross acknowledged late afternoon the same day of his gaffe that federal workers are facing hardships during the ongoing partial government shutdown, hours after he expressed uncertainty why some government employees are using food banks. 

He now says on Bloomberg TV in his walk back:  There are people experiencing hardship. We had a lengthy session with a large portion of the workforce yesterday trying to make sure we understand what their problems are and we're trying to do our best to mitigate them. We're aware, painfully aware, that there are hardships inflicted on the individual workers. All I was trying to do is make sure they're aware there are possible other things that could help somewhat mitigate their problems.
The original story starts here: Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in a CNBC interview says he doesn’t understand why some federal workers who have been furloughed or are working without pay during the ongoing partial government shutdown are having to turn to food banks and homeless shelters to feed themselves and their families.

Specifically Ross said:  “I know they are, and I don’t really quite understand why.”

My note to help explain his arrogant ignorance: Ross’ net worth in 2016 was estimated to be $2.9 billion. 

He further said:Those workers should seek loans because the banks and the credit unions should be making credit available to them. True, the people might have to pay a little bit of interest, but the idea that it’s a paycheck or zero is not a really valid idea.”

Ergo: Ross is totally out of touch.

He then downplayed the number of federal employees affected by the shutdown, now in its 34th day, saying: Put it in perspective, you’re talking about 800,000 workers. And while I feel sorry for the individuals that have hardship cases, 800,000 workers if they never got their pay — which is not the case, they will eventually get it — but if they never got it, you’re talking about a third of a percent on our GDP. So, it’s not like it’s a gigantic number overall.”

Then he had the gall to say: It is also disappointing that some of the affected federal employees ordered back to work by President Trump are refusing to do so.”

My 2 cents: Ho Lee Sheet. 

Talk about an old (81) arrogant billionaire a-hole out of touch – Ross is exhibit #1. Any rational president would fire Ross, but Trump won’t – why not? 

Simple: Trump is cut from the same arrogant out-of-touch cloth and most-likely he agrees with Ross. Out of touch arrogance is apparently a DNA trademark for the ultra-rich like Ross & Trump. 

I can’t say much more – Ross’ own words say plenty, so excuse me while I grab a barf bag. 

Thanks for stopping by.Ross, whose net worth in 2016 was estimated to be $2.9 billion, said those workers should seek loans because “the banks and the credit unions should be making credit available to them.”

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