Sunday, October 28, 2018

Trump Re-tooled: New Fresh Makeover Bright Persona and PR Spin and All Phony

Can of gas greets loyal base: Begin ignition process
(Start count-down to blast off)

One year after Trump said there were “some very fine people on both sides” of violent protests in Charlottesville, VA a majority of voters in a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll say race relations have gotten worse since Trump became president:

·       Some 55% of voters overall say race relations have worsened under Trump; 16% say they have gotten better; and 18% say race relations have stayed about the same.
·       Some 51% of white voters say race relations have worsened under Trump; 79% of African-American voters and 60% of Hispanic voters say they have gotten worse.
·       DEM voters overwhelmingly 82% say they have gotten worse under Trump compared with only 4% who say they have gotten better and 9% say they are about the same.
·       However, a mere 35% Republicans say race relations have gotten better and 25% say they are worse. About 3 in 10 — or 29% — say race relations have stayed about the same.
·       Meanwhile Independent voters mirror the overall electorate: 13% say better; and 55% say worse, with only 20% saying they are about the same.

Ironically, we have this update at a Trump rally in Southern Illinois reported on here with this headline:

“Subdued Trump tones rhetoric down just a little bit at Illinois rally”

Very interesting article showing how phony Trump is as he tried to come across as somehow “reformed, less-inflammatory, and Mr. Goody Two Shoes,” but his phoniness sticks based on his past history. 

But, this new Trump will probably last what 12 hours or so? Place your bet.

Enjoy the article and thanks for stopping by.

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