Friday, August 3, 2018

Constitutional Crisis Looms as Mueller Closes Gap: Trump Distractions Grow Daily

Obstruction of Justice Charges: What, Me Worry?
(Witch Hunt, Fake News, Phony Charges, Hoax)

Headlines article from The Hill

“Obstruction of Justice Bombshell Will Explode 
Before Midterms”

Highlights from the story:

Q: Why is President Trump escalating his attacks against special counsel Robert Mueller, AG Jeff Sessions, the DOJ, the FBI, and the free press to a fever pitch in recent days?

A: The reason is that the odds are very high that Mueller will offer a declarative public statement before the midterm elections, and very likely before Labor Day, that the president is guilty of obstruction of justice.

Impact: The Mueller declaration of obstruction of justice could be issued in the form of a letter to Congress and may or may not ultimately be issued in the form of an indictment, if he believes that the Trump situation creates extraordinary circumstances that warrant his seeking approval for a formal indictment. It is impossible to know exactly what Mueller will do. We do not know the evidence he has that has not yet been made public. We do not know his private thinking on great matters of state and law that will govern his actions.

In April, there were public reports that Mueller would ultimately release his findings in two stages, the first being obstruction of justice, which could be released in whatever form it takes this summer.

Key historical note: Consider the obstruction of justice provisions in the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon during the Watergate investigation that were passed by the House Judiciary Committee just before Nixon decided to resign instead of facing impeachment and possible Senate trial.

Article 1, Section 8 of the articles of impeachment included this statement: 

“[…] making or causing to be made false or misleading public statements for the purpose of deceiving the people of the United States into believing that a thorough and complete investigation had been conducted with respect to allegations of misconduct on the part of personnel of the executive branch of the United States and personnel of the Committee for the Re-election of the President (CRP), and that there was no involvement of such personnel in such misconduct.” 


On the Articles extract: In other words, repeatedly making false statements intended to deceive the public about matters under investigation constitute acts in furtherance of obstruction of justice in violation of American law.

On CRP: The Committee for the Re-Election of the President is officially abbreviated CRP but often it was mocked by the acronym CREEP. It was the main fundraising organization of the Nixon's administration.

Backing up the false statement is pretty clear (in my view). Cite from the article:
Trump is virtually at war over facts with leading members of his Cabinet about whether Russia has attacked American elections in the 2016 campaign and that they continue to attack American elections in the 2018 midterms.

(I note: At least one senator already has had an early Russian attempt at hacking: Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO).

Just recently, leading members of the Trump administration joined together in an extraordinary public press conference warning the nation about the continuing Russian attack against our elections with “flashing red lights.” 

(Note: Just like statements before 9/11).

Those speaking were: Trump’s National Security adviser, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), FBI Director, and Homeland Secretary. They all stood united before the nation, warning of the continuing Russian attack in clear and powerful terms.

Noteworthy: Trump could have joined them in person to offer his support. He did not. Instead, only hours later, he publicly claimed, again, that the Russia investigation was a hoax and that his recent meeting with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin was a huge success (e.g., Putin’s denial about Russian hacking).

If charges that Trump obstructed justice by making false statements are considered in court or congressional hearings, it would be powerful testimony for his Cabinet members to be called to testify about whether Trump’s statements that the Russia investigations are a hoax are true or false.

Similarly, Trump’s fevered and escalating attacks against the free press, which even his own daughter Ivanka had the good sense to rebut, provide more powerful and compelling evidence of intent to mislead the public about matters under intense investigation. 

While Trump is in dramatic conflict with Cabinet members who warn about the Russian attack, which he falsely claims is a hoax, he attacks the free press for reporting about the Russian attack, which he falsely claims is fake news. 

My 2 cents: Now much to add to this except to repeat what I have for the whole of this investigation: We must wait for the final report and without any nonsense distractions (mostly from Trump that we have seen since day-one).

All this explains why Trump is obviously turning up his pressure to get Mueller fired and shut down the whole process with no conclusion, except the one Trump wants to sell and as noted: For obvious reasons.

We are not buying what you are trying to sell.

Finally, if Trump has nothing hide and is not guilty of any wrongdoings, why not just wait and see that the report proves it and stop all this obvious interference.

I believe that Trump is guilty and I add, guilty of heluva lot.

Thanks for stopping by.

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