Thursday, July 12, 2018

Trump's NATO Rap Up: The Newest European Stand-up Act Ever — Believe Me

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's expression: I don't get it.
(Ich verstehe es nicht)

NATO (from the Guardian via MSN) – Trump vs. the facts formatted below, and related article here — also an excellent rundown and summary):

From Trump:

Claimed victory at the NATO summit, saying progress had been made on defense spending after throwing the Brussels meeting into chaos with fresh attacks on European allies. 

He did not directly say he had threatened to pull out of NATO as some reports say when he was asked later.

He said at a surprise press conference before he was due to leave that he only told people he would be very “unhappy” if spending was not raised.

He claimed he could pull out of NATO without the approval of Congress.

He said alliance members had agreed to get to spend 2% of GDP faster than previously and claimed financial commitments would increase beyond that in the future.

(I Note: The U.S. pays 3.57% of our GDP – and our GDP is $19 Trillion. FYI: Germany’s GDP is 3.7T; France’s is 2.5T, and Canada’s is 1.6T – full list is here so you do the math and do pay 22% of the total NATO bill and that is fair by any count AND not the 90% Trump lied about).

He held a 35-minute press conference at NATO HQ wherein he seemed to contradict his own earlier criticism of NATO and European member states.

He said the U.S. commitment to NATO “remained very strong” and “the fantastic meeting of the alliance members had demonstrated a great collegial spirit.”

He took credit for the summit saying: “NATO is much stronger now than it was two days ago.”

(I note: Trump, typically in his warped mind and style, was implying that the “fantastic meeting” was only due to his rants and rages and deal making skills).

Now the Truth:

Other delegations and NATO officials contradicted what Trump said happened.

They said he had not secured any significant concessions.

They said their defense spending plans remained basically the same as they had been before the summit.

French president Emmanuel Macron denied Trump’s claim that NATO powers agreed to increase defense spending beyond previous targets (from 2% to 4%).

They scrapped a series of planned conferences and bilateral meetings following Trump’s outbursts as most of the European leaders struggled to respond.

Both UK PM Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel cancelled their press conferences.

My 2 cents: So, what is the B/L – even if that possible with Trump?

First of all and paramount: He cannot be believed or trusted about anything he says or proposes.

Second: He will backstab anyone about anything that does not please him.

Third: Then after all the chaos and turmoil as discussed above from NATO, he will just like there, “claim victory.”

All that was on schedule for this, his biggest TV reality show, and any forthcoming segment to be aired on his timetable – then the whole damn process starts all over again until the next show.

And, now a station break and a few words from his sponsors – his lackey aides who will clarity what he meant to say and that the public did not really hear from his own mouth or string of tweets.

Fact: Trump has zero credibility, no honor, total lack of dignity, zero finesse, and no political skills or even basic knowledge of government or laws or rules of any kind except how to lie 24/7 and con people.

Darker days lie ahead with this man in office – shame on us.

Thanks for stopping by.

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