Sunday, July 15, 2018

Trump Sells Trump: Most-Successful, Richest, Smartest Ever — Really Boastful Fraud

Holding hands after slapping her in the face 
(That's our President)

LONDON (AP) — President Trump advised British PM Minister Theresa May to “sue the European Union” to resolve the tense negotiations over Britain's impending exit from the bloc. Trump told reporters at a joint press conference with PM May that he had given the British leader a suggestion “that she found too brutal.”

PM May was asked on the Sunday BBC show with Andrew Marr what that Trump suggestion was, and she said with an amused expression: “He told me I should sue the EU. Not go into negotiation, sue them,” then she quickly followed with a laugh saying: “Actually we're going into negotiations with them” and quickly added, “Interestingly, what the president also said at that press conference was: ‘Don't walk away. Don't walk away from the negotiations. Then you're stuck.’”

Related story here (

Note: It wasn't exactly clear what Trump meant, but the revelation capped a series of explosive and undiplomatic remarks Trump made this week about PM May's leadership — especially her handling of the Brexit negotiations — as he made his first official visit to Britain, following the mess at NATO.

For Example: In an interview with The Sun newspaper — just as PM May was hosting Trump at a lavish black-tie dinner — Trump said her approach likely “killed chances of a free-trade deal with the United States.” He went on to say that he told her how to conduct Brexit negotiations: “But she didn't listen to me,” he said. Trump went on to praised May's rival, recently-resigned Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, who quit the post to protest May's Brexit plans. Trump later claimed Johnson would make a “great Prime Minister.”

Impact: Overall, the Trump comments shocked many in Britain — even May's opponents — and those comments couldn't have come at a worse time for May, who is facing a crisis over Brexit from within her own ranks. Her Conservative government is deeply split between supporters of a clean break with the EU and those who want to keep close ties with the bloc, Britain's biggest trading partner.

Related and in true Trump fashion: He said while leaving the NATO summit in Brussels for the UK visit:  “I think they like me there in the U.K.” 

Note: A You Gov  poll found that only 17% of Brits have a favorable view of Trump while a whopping 77% have unfavorable view. It’s unclear how his visit and public criticism of May might change those numbers. He is now staying at his golf course in Scotland ahead of the meeting in Helsinki with Putin.

Отличная работа, Дональд” 
(Great job, Donald)

My 2 cents and summary of the “reel” Trump, “reel” meaning him in front of the cameras: He later sought to soften his criticism of PM May telling reporters at the joint news conference that she was an “incredible woman doing a fantastic job as Prime Minister.”

Then in true Trump fashion as he always does, and that is he backtracks his own words: He denied that he had criticized May, saying that the Sun tabloid did not print his complimentary remarks about the PM, but the Sun released an audio that proved otherwise which again proves the serial liar Trump is.

Then this – astonishing statement from Trump on CBS News Sunday with Jeff Glor, who asked the interview: “Who is your biggest competitor? Your biggest foe globally right now?” 

Trump: “Well I think we have a lot of foes. I think the European Union is a foe, what they do to us in trade. Now you wouldn’t think of the European Union but they’re a foe. Russia is a foe in certain respects.”

Wow: Russia is a foe in “in certain respects!!!” You need to clarify Mr. Trump – we wait with bated breath.

Trump then said: “China is a foe economically, certainly they are a foe. But that doesn’t mean they are bad. It doesn’t mean anything. It means that they are competitive. They want to do well and we want to do well.” 

Yep, this is Trump, the President of, by, and supposedly for the American public who in every breath it seems lowers our prestige, wipes out our dignity, takes away any respect that partners and allies have for us, and erases any honor for all Americans as the historically compassionate nation with open arms that we have been and cherish and honor for 242 years.

Trump is an awful person who lacks even the most-basic skills to govern, or even the basic knowledge of how our government and democracy works, or respect for any of the systems and dedicated people in office keeping us safe and secure within those systems except by his own standards and on his own terms, which we all can plainly see are both low to non-existent shameful standards. Shame on us.

Thanks for stopping by.

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