Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Congress Moves to Impeach Rosenstein & Stop Mueller: Constitutional Crisis Looms

View of Constitution from Trump: Thumb in the eye of America

GOP's 1st official step in “shutting down Mueller and clearing Trump.” 

This story comes from here: House conservatives move to impeach Rosenstein (from Politico). 

Who would benefit, or not?

Trump, nope;

The current all GOP-run congress; nope.

We the People, yep.

Our well-established #1 American value: The Rule of Law, yep, 100%.

Plus, the negative impact from Trump will last for decades, maybe longer. This has all the trappings of the Nixon era, but many times over – and far worse.

So, what is a Constitutional crisis. Here in simple layman’s terms that kind of crisis explained a 3-minute video:

Introduction to the whole story:

Two key House conservatives have filed articles of impeachment in an effort to oust Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, the overseer of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation

(My Note: Rosenstein appointed Mueller – that letter is here (.pdf format).

The articles of impeachment were filed Reps. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) — two top allies of Trump. They blasted Rosenstein for what they allege was a failure to respond to congressional document demands. 

GOP Conservatives on the Move to Remove Rosenstein
then Stop Mueller's Investigation

Senior DOJ officials have rejected the criticism and described historic levels of cooperation with Congress to share files connected to the FBI investigations of Hillary Clinton's email server and Trump campaign contacts with Russia.

Though the move marks an escalation by Trump allies against Rosenstein, who has drawn Trump's ire for appointing Mueller last year, Meadows sidestepped a procedural move that could have forced the issue to a vote this week and laid bare divisions among Republicans. 

The House is preparing to leave for a five-week recess, so it's unclear whether conservatives will attempt to force the issue when lawmakers return in September.

Meadows and Jordan's decision to file the articles of impeachment came hours after they huddled with top DOJ officials at the Capitol to discuss lingering demands for documents. Other lawmakers in the meeting had described progress and rejected the notion of impeaching Rosenstein, but Meadows and Jordan said they remained dissatisfied with Jordan saying: “The DOJ is keeping information from Congress, and enough is enough. It’s time to hold Mr. Rosenstein accountable for blocking Congress’s constitutional oversight role.”

The DOJ had no immediate comment on that effort. 

Related story here from ABC news (actually, 11 Republicans signed on to impeachment move): 

My 2 cents: This is pitiful and a stunt that plays to those two Rep’s folks back home just in time for the midterms to show their loyalty to Trump – that makes up their core base… a given fact.

Stay tuned – hopefully rational heads will prevail and this crappy move will go nowhere.

Thanks for stopping by.

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