Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Stop the Press: FOX and Rightie Propaganda Again Exposed — The Truth Prevails

This chart speaks for itself

Trump's fav show: Fox and Fiends even from his bedroom
(Note: His hand - oops)

The Parkand High School student is Colton Haabhis father, Glen Haab, admitted that he doctored emails, making it appear as though CNN tried to script his son’s questions for a town-hall event the network hosted last week.

Haab claimed he did not doctor the emails on purpose, but admitted to removing a few words when shopping it around for press.

The omission of those words made it appear as though CNN was pushing back on a request for his son to ask his own question.

Impact and the blowback from the Right Wing, FOX mostly, and Trump was nasty and immediate as usual.

To wit:

FOX News ran the CNN script for the students was canned — they milked that same story for days hoping it would stick and it did until now. 

Trump tweeted about the matter with the same tone as he openly suggested CNN wanted to avoid letting Haab deviate from a pro-gun-control narrative (that would have kept the NRA happier, I guess?).

My 2 cents: As I always say, the truth will prevail eventually in the end. Now in this case we know this “doctoring story” was total rightwing and FOX BS.

Most of us who think these things trough logically learned a long time ago how endemic this kind of right wing/FOX tactic is and can be with their own knee-jerk brand of “Fake news.”

So, in the end, payback’s a bitch ain’t righties? Here have some more crow.

Thanks for stopping by.

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