Tuesday, January 23, 2018

MAJOR UPDATE: "Nunes FISA Memo;" Related GOP Fake Outrage; and FOX B.S. Spin

(L) Good Guy John Dean — (R) Phthiraptera (Louse) Devin Nunes
(Author: "The Nunes FISA Memo" FYI: And a load of crap) 

This update from this astonishing story and it is directly tied to the so-called “Nunes FISA memo” and the whole GOP and related FOX spin on it that is also linked to the whole Trump-Russian probe: More pointed sustained direct attacks to undermine the FBI.

The headlines:

“FBI Texts Reveal Major Flaw in GOP Theory of “Deep State” Plot to Defeat Trump

Sub-Text: “Messages between two FBI employees show they recoiled at the idea of using government power against anti-Clinton forces”

My 2 cents: The details of the story are truly and amazing – the reporting seems accurate and truthful...

For the GOP this precisely their tactics for whipping up the frenzy that feeds and reinforces FOX and Hannity types with their crazy reporting that almost always proves to be false, inaccurate, disgusting in scope, and quite frankly sets a very dangerous precedence and for rational minds is totally unbelievable and insane for that party to pursue the way they do.

At least from my point of view and educated assessment.




The Nunes FISA Memo link along with a legal view here and more story here at CNN.

First this introduction and background from a very smart man, John Dean – of Watergate fame:

John Dean, the White House counsel for President Richard Nixon credited as a part of the latter’s demise, has reportedly been brushing up on his Constitution after learning about the most recent maneuvers of House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA).

As Politico reported Tuesday, Dean believes Nunes “secret meetings” with fellow Republican legislators to build a case for corruption at the Department of Justice and the FBI are not protected under the U.S. Constitution’s speech and debate clause because they’re bypassing typical committee procedure.

Dean told Politico:Members of Congress in both the House and Senate have tried to use the speech and debate clause to protect themselves from everything from bribery to taking care of constituents with the executive branch, and been shown that that clause is not that broad. I think they’re on dangerous ground.”

In the same interview, Dean also suggested that had Fox News existed during the Nixon era, the former president “might have survived.”

Original Post for Today: Russia-linked Twitter bots have jumped on the Nunes memo bandwagon a lot at #ReleaseTheMemo.

The top-trending hashtag among Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations, according to Hamilton 68, a website launched last year that claims to track Russian propaganda in near-real time.

The frequency with which the accounts have been promoting the hashtag has spiked by 233,000% over the past 48 hours, according to the site. The accounts' references to the “memo,” meanwhile, have increased by 68,000%

The most-shared domain among the accounts has been WikiLeaks, and the most-shared URL has been a link to WikiLeaks' submit page. Plus, WikiLeaks said on Thursday that it would reward anyone with access to the “FISA abuse memo” who chooses to submit it to the site. The Russia-linked accounts have evidently been sharing the submit page in an effort to push the memo's release.

My 2 cents: Folks, what are witnessing today? Well, in my humble opinion the answer is simple:

What we are witnessing, on a grand scale I might add, is a concerted and probably well-funded effort to erode and destroy everything American. 

I mean by that our entire political system, our very constitutional foundation, and indeed our very souls.

Believe me when I say I am not one to cry wolf or scream the sky is falling. 

What I do see is my honest assessment of what is going on all around us now like 24/7 and all over the airwaves which impact people and their views; namely FOX and Hannity types, who are false faces.

They say our democracy is paramount. Yet, they and nearly they entire GOP by their actions and deeds show all us willing to be honest that they don't care one bit about the country. 

Their only major goal is their political survival and TV ratings in the case of FOX and Hannity types. 

They are in a word: Fake and phony without any doubt. My major concern: The worst is yet to come – bet on it, so hang on tight.

How to combat all the bad we see; all the disinformation, propaganda, and massive funding to undermine our national survival? That is the $64,000 question isn't it and quite frankly I don't know except by revealing their lies and exposing them - sadly, that is very hard to do today - why? 

I think most of us know the answer to that: No one trusts any one about anything except what they want to hear and believe - those Kellyanne Conway “Alternative Facts” as seen here, I guess?

Thanks for stopping by.

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