Saturday, December 30, 2017

Year 2017 Bitter and Awful Year for Nation and Millions: Thanks to Trump Empire, Inc.

The Day After the Year Before

3 R's: You Do the Math 
(And, not 'reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic)

I'll build the wall myself and do the work myself

Why is Donald J. Trump taking away, tearing down, or in some cases, totally destroying anything and everything that is good about America, except of course what he holds as good in his narrow view of things. 

Seems he loves America, just not all Americans just the ones he chooses to favor, just not the whole that he is sworn to serve.

Now by many accounts, he has made a mess of not only the country in general terms, but also insulted, bashed, and belittled our worldwide friends, allies, and partners. So, what’s next? Well, two examples follow that help answer that question. 

They are: (1) The 2020 U.S. Census scam, and (2) the real and apparent U.S. leadership and influence decline worldwide as seen in these two fine articles, and the highlights I have chosen to emphasize follow:

1.  The 2020 Census Scam from


Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question on Census, Alarming Experts

“This is a recipe for sabotaging the census,” says one expert. The administration’s stated reason for the controversial move: Protecting civil rights.

2.  U.S. Leadership and Influence Decline Worldwide from


The American Empire is Crumbling

Intro: America's power and global influence have plummeted like a stone during the Trump presidency. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently claimed otherwise in a New York Times op-ed, but he is obviously wrong. 

What President Trump is destroying is a product of the post WWI and WWII war years. In the years after the Second World War, America constructed what amounted to a globe-spanning empire, with the active assistance of Western Europe.

The immediate justification was to build a military coalition capable of countering and containing the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc — and an important secondary objective was setting up a solid economic system to ensure prosperity, manage trade, and avoid depression.

I Note: We succeeded to a high level of excellence, but the path and road we have traveled has was a rough one as explained and outlined in this fine article’s historical review of that path. Food for thought for sure. 

My B/L even if that’s possible: With this administration by most expert accounts and plain old common sense has become the worse in American history across all social, economic, political, security, and national defense line both here at home and abroad. 

The article summary puts it in stark terms and I agree: 

“Now we have Trump, our own addle-brained, would-be dictator, and Western powers are dealing with the shocking possibility that America is best considered an enemy. In his first foreign policy tour, while cozying up to the brutal Saudi monarchy, Trump offended Western European leaders for no reason, especially Angela Merkel, who said afterwards that “the era in which we could rely completely on others are gone, at least partially.” 

“Trump also badly cracked the U.K. alliance simply “by impulsively retweeting a British fascist,” stoking fury across that country.”

“Trump is also letting the State Department rot. Only 61 out of 154 positions needing Senate confirmation have been filled, and many key positions don't even have a nominee — such as the ambassador post to South Korea. The department has been hemorrhaging top-level career staff, and Trump doesn't care — “I'm the only one that matters,” recall he said when asked about it.”

“The American empire was built by people who recognized that often the best way to exert power was through non-coercive means. Trump represents a different tradition — a pinched, ignorant, aggressive, insecure tradition, one that insists only military force and chest-thumping belligerence matters.”

The question as always is: “Why do we tolerate this man in power and what lies ahead” (and by lies ahead I don’t necessarily mean Trump and his long trail of well-documented lies and distortions and half-truths and such. 

He does so almost on a daily dozen routine as it were). He is by all accounts, the biggest and most-blatant liar in American history. So, I guess a little pun fits. 

Hope you enjoy the two articles – they are keepers for sure. 

Thanks for stopping by.


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