Monday, October 30, 2017

Just Like the Old Song "The Heat is On" — White House Now in Hunker Down Mode

Trump reacts to Manafort Indictment 
(He had nothing to do with my campaign)

Trump Tweet Today on Manafort Indictment
(Blame Game (deflection) Heating Up (again)

They include tax charges as well as charges of conspiracy, making false statements and failure to register as foreign agents. The indictment lays out a web of shell companies that allegedly allowed them to conceal income. No mention is made of President Trump or the campaign, but some of the alleged wrongdoing continued “between in and around 2008 and 2017” (see paragraph 14 of the indictment).

What we do not know at this stage vastly outstrips what we do know. We know that special counsel Mueller has moved swiftly and that his investigation is not restricted to alleged collusion. We can logically infer that the investigation is not ending, but beginning. 

For now, cries that the investigation is a “hoax” or “witch hunt” ring hollow when those in the top echelon of the Trump campaign face federal criminal charges.

As a political matter, Trump and his family will need to explain why they hired someone whose reputation as a representative of dubious foreign regimes was already known. The utter recklessness in hiring someone with overseas clients, 
while perhaps not criminal, speaks to Trump and his inner circle’s utter recklessness.

It was a pattern seen again in hiring Michael Flynn as NSC Adviser. 

Here is what we do not know:

1.  Did Trump or anyone in his inner circle know about Manafort’s dealings with Russian ally Yanukovych?

(Note: Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and others who pushed for Manafort’s hiring once again turn out to be supporters of rotten decision-making that has embroiled the administration in controversy. Ivanka Trump-Kushner and Jared Kushner both pushed for then-candidate Trump to hire Trump Tower neighbor Paul Manafort as campaign manager in the spring 2016, replacing the scatter-shot Corey Lewandowski.  Also note: Manafort’s past clients have included notorious strongmen and former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos and Angolan military leader Jonas Savimbi – oddly, a fact that Jared and Ivanka either ignored or somehow found useful.)

2.  Did anyone vet Manafort or question him about his foreign dealings? If so, what did they find out?

3.  Did Manafort, as some have alleged, or Gates push to change the RNC platform at the convention in Cleveland so as to water down language committing the party to arm Ukraine against Russian and pro-Russian forces? If so, did Trump know about this?



This critically important information from the NY Times herethe word bombshell may be an understatement.

It was also revealed Monday (October 30) that George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to Trump, pled guilty to lying to the FBI on October 5.

Papadopoulos told federal investigators that before he joined the Trump campaign, a source had told him the Russian government possessed “dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of emails.”

The opposite is true. In fact evidence shows that Papadopoulos had been told that information after he joined the Trump campaign.

To the point: Trump's former foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos, was charged with making false statements regarding his contact with a “Russian professor who claimed he had “dirt on Hillary Clinton during the campaign.”

Papadopoulos was arrested in July, and reportedly has been cooperating with government officials since.

From the charge sheet: “Defendant Papadopoulos acknowledged that the professor had told him about the Russians possessing 'dirt' on then-candidate Hillary Clinton in the form of 'thousands of emails,' but stated multiple times that he learned that information prior to joining the [Trump] campaign. 

In truth and in fact, however, defendant Papadopoulos learned he would be an adviser to the campaign in early March, and he met the professor on or about March 14, 2016. The Russian professor only took interest in defendant Papadopoulos because of his status with the campaign.

The Russian professor told defendant Papadopoulos about the ‘thousands of emails' on or about April 26, 2016, when defendant Papadopoulos had been a foreign policy adviser to the campaign for over a month.”

More from this summary from this other fine The Week article:

The fact that so many around Trump are straining this hard to find distractions is in itself highly suspicious. If Trump had nothing to hide, he could just be quiet and let the investigation proceed.

Of course, it's impossible to imagine him behaving that way. There is simply no way that President Trump will sit quietly as Mueller methodically issues more indictments, flips more witnesses, and grows ever closer to Trump. Our president has never shown restraint of any sort. He certainly won't when his own life and career is at stake.
So what happens if Trump fires Mueller and issues blanket pardons to all of his associates?

Finding enough Republicans to vote to impeach, much less convict in the Senate, is not going to happen.

However, it would only take a handful of Republicans — as few as three senators, or a couple dozen GOP lawmakers in the House — to gum up Trump's agenda permanently. Such a group of Republicans threatening to stop the Republican agenda if the investigation doesn't proceed would change the political calculus for the party as a whole — especially the business wing that is salivating for tax cuts.

But that would also put these lawmakers under tremendous pressure from Fox News and the rest of the conservative propaganda apparatus, which treats any opposition to Trump as blasphemy and treachery. The criticism of any Republican lawmaker pushing for Mueller's investigation to continue would be completely unhinged.

It has become virtually impossible to go wrong predicting the maximum possible level of perfidy, lies, and cowardice from the Republican Party. Allowing the president to stop an investigation into his possible criminal past — and just possibly how he colluded with a foreign power to influence an American election — is, sadly, entirely imaginable.

Robert Mueller better hurry up.
My Note: That is very significant. It ties in with the Trump Jr. meeting in Trump Tower with Russian lawyer, Natalia Vladimirovna Veselnitskaya

Plus, we can also safely assume that Jr. shared that info with a lot inside-the-Trump campaign folks.

Background: In June 2016, Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner along with Paul Manafort met with a female Russian lawyer in Trump Tower after she told them “I have dirt on Hillary Clinton.”

Trump Jr. in his response to man who was setting up the meeting in an email said:If true, I love it, especially for this summer (2016 summer).”

Then Trump Jr. lied three times about the meeting, the subject matter (he tried to hide the real purpose and say it was about Russian adoption sanction), and the actual names and numbers of attendees – which grew each time he changed the story with another lie.

Good background story from Slate on that – good reference stuff here.

Note: Lying to Federal officials (i.e., the FBI or others in the course of their investigation of any kind) is a crime.

Finally: It is ironic that so many Republicans – especially their rabid right who is coupled at the hip and lip with Fox and most RW Talk Radio – are hell bent on saying Hillary Clinton did this or that along with the DNC should be in jail (even without charges, indictments, or a fair trial let alone hard evidence).

Yet, they seem to be totally willing to give Trump and his cohorts a pass on proven indicted evidence and charges just because they like him and hate Hillary … WTF does that say about them as human beings to see our entire political system decay like this – I’d have to say if the Russian disinformation effort strived for and wanted or intended this outcome, then damnit they did win and we appear to have lost.

Thanks for stopping by and BTW: This is only the first and early stage of what is expected to be an extensive and long and very compelling Mueller final report.

Stay tuned. 

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