Sunday, October 22, 2017

Gen. Kelly: Abandon Ship Now USS Trump is Sinking — Save Yourself Here's Life Jacket

Kelly v. Wilson: Main Actors in a Very Sad Case 

Memo for Kelly: Time to get out of this place

Spot-on article highlights below: 

Gen. John Kelly was just hacked. Not by Russian trolls, but by President Donald Trump's pernicious and voracious need to be vindicated.

It was a disappointing turn of events to see a Marine-turned-chief-of-staff take the White House podium and complete his transformation from the adult in the room to a political attack dog.

This new role serves neither his boss nor the nation well.

It was a stunning development in what already had become a vulgar couple of days; a sacrosanct ceremonial act – the president calling the families of fallen soldiers to express his deepest sympathies – had turned into a series of insults and accusations, started by President Trump, himself.

Gen. Kelly's comments in a vacuum were not off target. His frustration regarding the disgusting state of our civil discourse is shared by most Americans - and the rest of the world. Many would also agree that things that used to be sacred no longer are – women, religion, and Gold-Star families.

But what was so jaw-dropping about Kelly's comments was that they were not made in a vacuum. They were made from the press room of a White House whose current occupant was the perpetrator of the vile actions that violently stripped the sacredness out of the very things - and people – Kelly was talking about.

1.    Did Gen. Kelly forget that it was Trump who callously attacked a Gold-Star family – the Khans – during the summer political conventions of 2016?

2.    Did he forget that it was Trump who viciously insulted a war hero - Sen. John McCain - when he said that he likes heroes who weren't captured?

3.    Did Gen. Kelly forget that it was his boss who was caught on tape bragging about committing sexual assault and attacking any woman he wanted by grabbing her by the genitals?

4.    Did he forget that it was his boss – and later Kelly himself as the secretary of Homeland Security – that disrespected a whole religion by trying to implement the Muslim ban?

My view: I as a retired Marine officer myself, I have great respect for other Marines and for Gen. Kelly, but not over this incident at this time.

If had the honor he portrays, which I believe he has, then the only solution is to apologize publicly and resign. He needs to put distance between himself and Trump.

It’s called “setting the example” and Gen. Kelly above most others knows what the expression means. Now, apply it, sir.

Thanks for stopping by.

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