Friday, September 15, 2017

North Korea: Showboating Staged Propaganda TV Reality Show 24/7 and Dangerous

Translation is mine: “Please God let me touch Kim Jung-un.”
(Always phony well-chosen people used as props weeping in joy around him)

Kim, Jung-un: The world's #1 Pathological Narcissist – some of the traits:

The pathological narcissist, though self-absorbed, does not have high self-esteem.

The pathological narcissist is the epitome of the ego maniac with the inferiority complex.

The narcissist brags to the world, but deep inside knows that none of it is true. 

They secretly feel inadequate and bolster themselves up with excessive self-admiration.

They talk a good game without actually feeling any of it. 

The pathological narcissist is completely dependent on admiration from others.
There is NO self-regard without the attention of others. 
There is NO constructive criticism to be received well and when harsh criticism is received, there is only slapping back, HARD.
The pathological narcissist lives for the admiration of others and likes to trumpet it when received.
The pathological narcissist knows it's a house built on shifting sand. 
Because the pathological narcissist KNOWS that he or she is not really worthy of admiration, they resent the very people they are dependent on for admiration.  
The pathological narcissist has no empathy for his or her admirers and doesn't really like them very much. 
That is Kim, Jung-un – do those traits remind you of anyone else – say some other world “leader?” Oops - thanks for stopping by.

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