Sunday, July 28, 2019

DNI Coats Leaving Office: Leaving Due to Trump’s Disgust of Intelligence Reporting

Entire intelligence community again under Trump attack
(Due to his denials and distrust of them)

DNI Dan Coats will be stepping down
(Trump finally forced him out)

HUGE BREAKING NEWS STORY: Trump strikes again. He now finally gets the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Dan Coats to leave office – a long time Trump goal.

WASHINGTON (NY TIMES via MSN) — Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, is expected to step down in the coming days after spending his tenure at odds with President Trump over issues including: (1) Russia, and (2) Trump’s attacks on the intelligence community, said people familiar with the decision (Sunday, July 28, 2019).

Who is Dan Coats? Excellent Coats background is here.

To replace Coasts, the people have said that Trump was likely to tap Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) – a staunch defender of Trump and by some accounts the 2nd most conservative in the House.

Who is John Ratcliffe. More on him is here.

As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, he sharply questioned Mueller during his recent Congressional testimony – sometimes very insulting and viciously. Ratcliffe’s questioning to Mueller seen below – it’s about 4:30 minutes:

Rep. Ratcliffe grills S/C Mueller

My 2 cents: Again we see Trump in true fashion getting rid of people he either does not like, those who oppose him on policy and such, or just plainly out of spite – this Coats removal is the latter plain as day.

My prediction based on Coats’s reasons for leaving is that more Intelligence Community (IC) key officials may follow Coats out the door. Why? Pride and distrust of their valuable work again under fire by President Trump. There is only so much abuse and browbeating that dedicated and hardworking intelligence professionals can tolerate from Trump.

This all smacks of Nixon and his canning of people during Watergate. Indeed, history may be repeating itself once again.

Soon or so it seems: Trump will have his #1 goal of a one-man run country just like a new property or golf course acquisition with his name on it.

Time will tell on that point… stay tuned, and thanks for stopping by.

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