Sunday, September 30, 2018

Trump Dilemmas: Executive Privilege and Controlling FBI Kavanaugh Follow-up

Why Trump stands behind Kavanaugh - obvious reason 
(To protect his backside)

Re: Mueller's Russia investigation – these two questions keep coming up both closely related:

#1 Question: Whether or not Trump himself can obstruct subpoenas or decline to answer Congress's questions by invoking executive privilege — or if, by invoking executive privilege, he can bar people like Sessions from testifying about their conversations with him — is more complicated. 

He, like all presidents, enjoys a presumption of confidentiality.

However, the Washington Post’s revelation that Trump himself is under investigation for obstruction of justice suggests a very similar situation we saw Nixon in (cite: United States v. Nixon).

If Trump were to fail to obey subpoenas from special counsel Robert Mueller, then it’s likely that courts would obey the Nixon precedent and require him to comply, on the grounds that rule has preference over his executive privilege.

The possibility of Trump not complying with a congressional investigation raises further questions. Failure to comply with congressional subpoenas further implicates “Congress’s constitutional power of inquiry through investigatory bodies” and courts could decide that Congress’s constitutional obligation overrides Trump’s presumptive right to confidentiality.

In fact, one district court has already ruled that Congress’s investigatory powers trump executive privilege in cases like this. CiteCommittee on the Judiciary v. Miers, wherein the George W. Bush administration was using executive privilege to try to block a subpoena by former House Judiciary Committee Chair John Conyers (D-MI) for testimony by former White House counsel Harriet Miers and Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten.

#2 Question: Related to Trump lies – always front and center: Can he limit the scope of FBI investigation?

The FBI reportedly also isn’t able to look into why Kavanaugh’s account of his drinking at Yale differs from what former classmates say. Kavanaugh claims he wasn’t a heavy drinker, others say he was.

Both Ford and Ramirez claim he was excessively drunk during the two incidents. White House counsel Don McGahn is taking the lead on the White House’s dealings with the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh.

Trump says the NBC News report isn’t true: He just refuted the NBC News reporting, saying he wants the bureau to “…interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion.”

Earlier, Trump said to reporters said that he would defer to the Senate on how Kavanaugh’s nomination will play out, adding: “I’m going to let the Senate handle that, they’ll make their decisions.”

Then White House spokesman Raj Shah said in a statement to the WSJ that the “scope of duration of the investigation has been set by the Senate, and the administration was letting the FBI agents do what they are trained to do.”

My 2 cents: So, we are left to ask and wonder in all cases about Trump: Who is telling the truth, and what is the real story?

Believing anything Trump says is one huge gigantic leap of faith.

Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Historical Flashback: Public Should Have Seen This Coming in Early 2016

Obviously a mentor to some now in high office

At this moment in time we the people should have seen the kind of man was and the kind of president he would be if he were elected. That is, a serial liar. It has gone down hill since.

In the first presidential debate September 26, 2016, Hillary Clinton brought up her and Trump's differences on climate change. 

Here's how that exchange unfolded:

CLINTON: “Some country is going to be the clean- energy superpower of the 21st century. Donald thinks that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese. I think it's real.”

TRUMP: “I did not. I did not. I do not say that.”

CLINTON: “I think science is real.”

TRUMP: “I do not say that.”

Follow-up: Many news organizations pointed out after that debate, that indeed Trump had said that in a tweet seen below in 2012:

Proof, meet pudding

My 2 cents: He now has over 5,000 documented lies and false statements. Shame on us.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Trump's Terrible Trade and Tariff Troubles: Tariffs Explained for the Layman

Trump's overall Trade and Tariff policy description: 
Bigly and Ugly

The man with his finger on the trade and tariff 
weapon of choice 

This post ties directly into this earlier post I made here – read it first or second the subject is generally the same: Trump’s Trade and Tariffs mess.

I call it Tariffs 101

Tariffs are a tax imposed by a government on goods and services imported.

They increase the price of the goods imported and thus make them less desirable to buy, and less competitive vs. domestic goods and services.

Because of this, domestic producers are not forced to reduce their prices from increased competition, and domestic consumers are left paying higher prices as a result. 

That in turn decreases pressure on domestic producers to lower their prices. 

So, in two ways consumers lose because prices are higher and they lose as domestic producers gain by the imposed tariff. 

Tariffs are used to restrict trade, as they increase the price of imported goods and services, making them more expensive to consumers. 

They are one of several tools available to shape trade policy. 

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the Federal agency, part DHS that is charged with regulating and facilitating international trade, collecting customs (import duties or tariffs approved by Congress), and then to enforce trade regulations.

My 2 cents and the so-called bottom line: Tariffs are used to restrict imports by increasing the price of goods and services purchased from overseas and making them less attractive to consumers by helping domestic producers who control the prices. 

They hurt domestic consumers due to a lack of competition and that pushes up prices thus benefiting domestic produces (but that assumes their products are better than the imported less expensive ones and/or more consumer popular). 

And, Trump benefits himself – how – first of all his personal bragging rights for this family and their export businesses. 

Overall the benefits of tariffs are uneven because tariffs are a tax. But, the government sees an increase in revenues as imports enter the domestic market – thus they use that to spend and stay popular but seldom do they spend on needed problem solving (like healthcare for all). 

Domestic industries benefit from a reduction in competition, since import prices are artificially inflated – and they fork over more money to incumbents in office to get favorable trade policy.

I call it: We’ll load your campaign coffers for more trade favors. You get more bragging rights to stay in power.” 

Thanks for stopping – hope this helps explain things.

Related Recent Top Stories:

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Trump's Main Source For: Daily News, Policy Tips, Twitter Fuel, and Insult Energy

The smartest man in the room - just ask him - 
he has the best and most words ever...

Lead-in to the story from Media Matters — here in part:

Maybe it won’t be this time. Maybe it won’t be next time. But at some point in the future, it seems inevitable that President Donald Trump will take the advice of his supporters at FOX News and shut down the federal government.

Background: With the September 30 expiration of government funding swiftly approaching, the Senate just voted 93-7 to pass a carefully negotiated short-term spending bill that would keep the federal lights on until December 7, after the midterm elections.

The legislation gives all parties some of what they want but none of them all of what they want – including the president, as it does not provide the funding for a wall on the US-Mexico border that he has demanded.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) portrayed the bill as a breakthrough, evidence that the Senate (in his words): “Is getting its appropriations process back on track.”

The House of Representatives is expected to take up the legislation next week, raising hopes that federal funding could be swiftly secured.

But then Trump president tuned in to watch his fav TV show: FOX news.

First in line was Sen. David Perdue (R-GA), one of the handful of Republicans to opposed the legislation. 

He did again on FOX & Friends, which is Trump’s go-to morning news source.  

Then FOX host Brian Kilmeade chimed in, arguing that the lack of wall funding was “a thumb in the eye to the president.”

Minutes later, Trump, after watching the show, began to angrily tweet his own displeasure with the legislation. He called into question whether he will sign it or not, if it comes to his desk, or to force a shut-down of government on September 30 by not signing it (which is has threatened in the past, too).

Continue at the link for more details from Media Matters.

My 2 cents: No time in our history have we had a president aligned with either Talk Radio or FOX-type shows for the mechanics of his daily decision-making process.

Sadly, we have not seen the last of this. 

Stay tuned … and thanks for stopping by.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Kavanaugh on Hot Seat: Trump Appears Mute on the Allegation — Wait and See

First Bork, then Thomas, and now Kavanaugh: 
Excuse: What, Me Worry

Related sources to this update:

From the NY TIMES >>> 

From The AP  >>> 

Any woman’s identity should not have to be revealed to take her story seriously and pursue justice for her. Any charge of sexual assault is serious if proven true an absolute disqualifying reason not to gain a Supreme Court seat for a lifetime appointment.

Conservative groups pressing for Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation insist there should be no delay in the confirmation process call this nothing more than a last-minute attempt at character assassination.

The FBI has not opened a criminal investigation into the matter, but added the letter to Judge Kavanaugh’s background file and sent an updated file to the White House and then to Capitol Hill, where it will be kept in the office of the chairman for review by senators.

Senators themselves had little to say publicly about the accusations.

Christine Blasey-Ford came forward publicly over the weekend, putting her name behind accusations that had been shared with the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee on the condition that she remain anonymous.
Ms. Katz, Ford’s lawyer, told NBC on Monday that Dr. Blasey-Ford believes what she said Mr. Kavanaugh did to her was attempted rape.

On Monday, a White House spokeswoman reiterated Judge Kavanaugh’s denial of the incident.

“On Friday, Judge Kavanaugh ‘categorically and unequivocally’ denied this allegation,” his spokeswoman, Kerri Kupec, said in a statement. “This has not changed. Judge Kavanaugh and the White House both stand by that statement.”

Advisers to the president have privately urged Mr. Trump, who has been accused of sexual harassment by more than a dozen women, not to address the allegations on Twitter, his favorite public platform. Ha big joke, but Trump appears mute at this point – seen here.

Stay tuned – this ain’t over yet – bet on it… thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Trump During Hurricane Maria: Warm Up for Hurricane Florence Ready to Hit

His best hoop shot, then jump through them later

Florence hits landfall — scary image 

Trump called into question the death toll in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria  — which officials recently estimated at nearly 3,000 — dismissing the number as a conspiracy concocted by Democrats (his #1 fav whipping post – it’s never Trump at fault about anything, never, ever).

Now as Hurricane Florence barrels towards the east coast, the Trump administration’s response to Maria in Puerto Rico has come under renewed scrutiny.

For example, per CNN the higher figure is in essence “based on the findings of researchers from George Washington University in a study commissioned by the Puerto Rican government.”

Trump when confronted with the massive spike in the death report told reporters he thought the U.S. response was successful, saying: “I actually think it was one of the best jobs that’s ever been done with respect to what this is all about. I think that Puerto Rico was an incredible unsung success.”

Trump, who spends his mornings watching Fox & Friends, now calls into question the official death toll there saying: “3,000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3,000. This was done by the Democrats (his fav #1 whipping post) in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising billions of dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!”

Related Stories:

My 2 cents: What sad, despicable man without an ounce of compassion for his fellow human being, and certainly not even the remotest understanding of government or trust in the facts and truth unless it flows from his lips – then it’s the gospel and must be followed and believed by everyone or there will be hell to pay.

That may be the worst part about Trump and the way dictators operate.

Plus now, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) have spoken out against this latest Trump dispute, but guess what: They still tolerate Trump and his incoherent management of government – why? They are scared about the “Wrath of Don” – 

That is simple, logical, and obvious – this GOP is now the party of Trump. 

Deal with that fact and watch them go down the drain with him. I call them: Partners in slime.”

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Trump New Lie & Scheme: "Only I (not DEMS) Can Save Social Security & Medicare"

Where the best plans, ideas, schemes, things are 
believe me, the best ever

Like this scheme to help people get educated 
and make millions, right

1st update that I call: “Any GOP-run government is phonier than a $3 dollar bill.”

Updated from The Hill – short intro with these highlights:

Trump always shows an uncanny ability to “project issues onto his perceived foes” — ascribing to them his own troublesome actions, especially when he tries to deflect bad news. 

That’s exactly what he did at a political rally in Montana (noted in the post that follows) amidst a firestorm of White House controversies, unleashing a whopper about Americans’ earned benefits, saying in part: “The Democrats are going to hurt your Social Security so badly, and they are killing you on Medicare. I am going to protect your Social Security.” 

Just a few days before that Montana rally, he told reporters: “The Democrats wants to destroy Medicare. And we will save it.”

These are classic examples of Trumpian projection because the exact opposite of what the president said is 99.9999% true.

Far from “protecting” Social Security and Medicare, President Trump and Republicans in Congress have been actively working to undermine them. In fact, GOP Congressional leaders promised to “reform” (which really means “cut”) Social Security and Medicare to help pay for trillions of dollars in Trump tax cuts benefiting the wealthy and big corporations. As New York Times columnist Paul Krugman pointed out, House Budget Committee chairman Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) recently declared that: “The federal government needs to save money by cutting spending on social programs. When pressed about whether that included Social Security and Medicare, he admitted that it did.”

The majority party is already hard at work on those cuts. Republicans have released a plan that would raise the Social Security retirement age to 70 and impose stingier cost-of-living adjustments — meaning massive benefit cuts for America’s seniors. 

The president’s 2019 budget slashes Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits by a staggering $64 billion over ten years. His budget director once disingenuously claimed that SSDI is not part of Social Security even though the words “Social Security” are in its name. 

The president and his party’s efforts to cut Medicare are just as glaring. House Republicans propose to axe $537 billion over the next decade from the program that provides health coverage to nearly 60 million older and disabled Americans. And since when does “saving” Medicare mean privatizing it? 

The 2019 GOP budget proposals would convert Medicare into a voucher program (Speaker Paul Ryan, R-WI, and his fav pitch for a very long time) which would make it harder for seniors to choose their own doctors, and eventually end traditional Medicare. (Recall that former Speaker Newt Gingrich famously gloated that traditional Medicare would “wither on the vine” if privatized). 

More of the GOP-led BS about “saving Social Security and Medicare” from Trump in recent remarks in a speech in Montana from Roll Call:

TRUMP: We're saving Social Security. The Democrats will destroy Social Security. We're saving Medicare. The Democrats want to destroy Medicare. We will keep it going. We're making it stronger. We're making Social Security stronger.”

The original post starts from here

More on this topic from the AP, but first this classic and  historical record reminder from GOP showing their resistance to Social Security with this question: “How come if Social Security is a “Ponzi scheme” or “a monstrous lie” that so many in the GOP over the years have labeled it in September 1936 from GOP presidential candidate, Alf Landon, in his infamous presidential speech titled: “I will not promise you the Moon” – was a hoax, yet it is still alive and fairly well after helping hundreds of millions of Americans?

The essence of that Landon speech here from History Matters:

I Will Not Promise the Moon – Alf Landon Opposes the Social Security Act, 1936

By Alf Landon

The U.S. Congress enacted the Social Security Act, originally called the “Economic Security Bill,” in August of 1935. The Act was aimed at giving older Americans a pension that would provide them with a reasonable standard of living as they aged. The Social Security Act was politically moderate. The agency created to administer these benefits was to be funded by both employees and their employers, as opposed to using funds collected from general tax money. Still, it represented a milestone in moving this country toward a modern welfare state; as a result of this legislation, the United States joined other industrialized nations in offering old-age pensions and unemployment compensation. Several groups offered a spirited resistance to the program. Alf Landon, the Republican candidate for President in 1936, offered strong opposition to Social Security based on its burden on employers and employees as well as the possibility that the money coming into the Treasury would not be put away for later liabilities.

Also, reflect back to March 2012 and this GOP ploy during the 2012 presidential race. Hey, folks, we can’t escape history just like Mr. and Mr. Gee Old Poops try every single day – to wit: from the history books with his headline:

Cue the Ads: GOP Votes to Privatize Medicare in Election Year

More background: If all that GOP BS were true, then how come SS today is over 80 years of age, still helps hundreds of millions of seniors and in essence keeps them out of poverty or the poor house? It seems like no Republicans have or use or need SS, and I guess neither do their senior relatives. 

Need I remind anyone that Social Security is program that all working Americans pay into from their productive working lives and part goes to Medicare, too. It is a great way to save then to benefit from in their sunset Golden years. But somehow when we hear the GOP we only hear how bad it is, how terrible and awful and now it’s going broke or worse as Landon said; “A hoax and Ponzi scheme.”

And, the GOP is full of schemes like remember a few years ago when they advocated handing it over to Wall Street to fix and save it? Wall Street bankers and brokers and private account managers and brokers would manage and make better to ensure permanent security.

Okay, so how effectively would that scheme have worked with Wall Street managing it say back in starting in the 2007-2008 time frame? Oh, that time frame – flashback with me, okay.

Would we simply say that the massive billions lost back was merely a Rick “Oops” Perry moment?  Hardly – so why are we about to see another GOP “reform and save” scheme that the one I’m about to show you on the front pages. 

Let’s face it, the GOP has a small vocabulary: Words like “trickle down, or reform government, let businesses run things, or cap and save, or help those in need by cutting taxes for the top crust – will create jobs (e.g., yep, breaks for the top but cut food stamps for the bottom), etc. Then in the end all along they will say in floor speeches: “See how we are serve the American people.” You want a hoax – well that’s as big as it gets.

Since I have your attention, now the lifetime award for the crap trap machine since 1935 goes to – the “The envelope, please.”  The winners every year since 1935 is the Grand Old Phonies (GOP).

Now that older story about their stunt and believe me, it was a big one that was reported on here from the LA Times and others sites. Most had this eye-popping headline:

“The GOP unveils a “permanent save” for Social Security – with massive benefit cuts”

• Don’t trust me, okay, fair enough – how about breaking out your trusty old calculator and stay close with me on this, okay?

Right off the bat, those calculators and GOP will tell you and promise you: “... invest your income in private social security saving accounts and when you retire, just sit back and live off $10,000 a month until the day you die. Wall Street investors will do that for you.”

We all know that right wing Market-driven GOP line, right? But, what’s wrong with that picture?

1.  They assume that all of your Social Security taxes would be invested. That is totally impossible.
2.  Their calculators ignore the turbulence and fluctuations (2008 comes to mind real fast right until today or last month all along Wall Street).
3.  They mechanically imply that every investor does very well – a lot like those who bilked the Mutual Fund accounts over time - remember all those FBI perp walks?

Plus, they make questionable assumptions that the high past growth rates of stock prices (prior to any 2008-type crash and burn that is). 
That is wherein any of the increased value would go directly to stockholders (as well as your SS account).

But, as anyone who invests in a mutual fund knows, or should know, those commissions, the slick marketing, and growing administrative costs significantly reduce what ends up in your bank account at the end of the month. Why is that?

Those in charge subtract and rake off all the thousands of dollars from your “profits” into “their profits” (Translation: Into their nest eggs, not yours). Keep in mind THAT DOES NOT happen now with social security. It may not show big earnings like a stable stock, but it has there, a reliable safety net for seniors and others entitled to SS for over 80 years.

It is a program you and I paid into for all our working lives (as for me, I did for 59 years of my earned income working years – how about you).  

Also, ask Enron, Tyco, WorldCom, and accountants like Arthur Andersen where did their investors' security go? Oh, that money? Um... so the brokerage houses, banks, and mutual funds have been very active in the campaign to privatize Social Security. I see, I see – another “oops” moment.

However, they did stand to have gained enormous fees if the billions of dollars had been shifted each year from Social Security payments into some weird account under some Wall Street broker’s management. Of course, those fees must come from somewhere, namely from the balances in individual accounts. 

Ouch – namely your pocket – so dig deeper.  Thus, it is no wonder that kind of thinking in the GOP is so popular and has been since 1936 as they say: “… just put us in office, give us your money, and we'll make you rich and secure in your retirement.” Final “oops” moment, boys, sorry.

My 2 cents: The bottom line is that the GOP has hated the “social” part of Social Security and the “security” part of Medicare & Medicaid for decades, and they have the record and words to prove – not too many positive deeds, just loads of promises and fancy words and nastiness aimed at those working hard to save those programs and sustain them.

All the above for the record Mr. Trump. Thought you ought to know since you obviously do not.

Finally, one thing we can take to the bank and be almost 100% sure of is that when Trump says something that the exact opposite is true nearly in every case and sentence… believe it (smile).

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Trump and His Damn Wall: At Any Cost No Matter the Source or Ensuing Turmoil

Mexico will pay nope; how about Congress, nope; okay, DHS 
(Probably U.S. taxpayers will pay — SOP for Trump)

Let's be honest shall we? Trump is out of control - way out of control and this all GOP-run Congress sits with their thumbs up their collective asses – cite below from the UK Daily Mail Online:

“I will fund it through Homeland Security's budget, if I don't get my way and I would shut down the government to get what I want, too.” (Sic)

Seven Key Points:

1. asked Trump on Air Force One if he was considering using the Army Corps of Engineers to build his border wall.

2.  Congress has been stingy with a Homeland Security budget for the project, providing barely $3 billion and leaving another $25 billion unfunded.

3.  Pentagon officials say the Corps of Engineers is suited to perform the work and Trump has boasted about budget increases he has won for the Pentagon.

4.  Trump says: “We have two options: We have military, we have homeland security.”

5.  He also said he won't take a government shutdown off the table if DEMS on Capitol Hill keep playing hardball because of immigration politics.

6.  He believes a shutdown would be strategically and politically smart.

7.  But many Republican lawmakers are counseling patience because they fear being blamed for a shutdown in the final month of reelection campaigns.
My 2 cents: For our dumb, dingbat president who still does not comprehend how the congress functions on budget matters. 

Simply stated: The minority party, in this case the DEMS that he always blames when he does not get his way, DO NOT pass bills – they may help, but this GOP has the votes to do it on their own. 

The man is ill-prepared to be president and once again it shows. 

Shame on us. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Calamity Betsy: Unqualified Unfit & Hazard to Education and Huge National Disgrace

Is this what we want or need in our schools, um Mr. and Mrs. GOP???
(You always rant about better schools under the GOP - oops)

Education Department should get a new name: 
Department of Irrational Insanity 

NOTE: Re-edited and re-posted (August 24, 2018) from the original post for more clarity. The following story speaks for itself from the NY TIMES with this startling headline. 

Betsy DeVos is Said to Weigh Letting School Districts to Use
Federal Funds to Buy Guns

WASHINGTON (August 22, 2018) — The Education Department is considering whether to allow states to use federal funds to purchase guns for educators after receiving queries from *Texas and Oklahoma.

*Texas in many school districts allow staff to carry weapons on campus and the Texas Education Agency said it had asked Washington for guidance back in April after schools started asking whether they can use the grant money to cover the cost of guns. Seems their problem took on even greater urgency after 10 people were killed in a school shooting outside Houston in May.


1.  It would be an unprecedented reversal of a longstanding position taken by the federal government that says it should not pay to provide guns to schools.
2.  It would also undermine Congress that has restricted the use of federal fund for guns in schools.
3.  Congress last March passed the school safety bill that allocated $50 million a year to local school districts, but expressly prohibited the use of the money for firearms.

Now DeVos and her department is eyeing a “loophole” in the Federal education law known as “The Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program” that uses federal grants and does not mention the prohibition of gun purchases.

That omission might allow DeVos to use at her discretion to approve any state or district plan to use grant funds for gun purchases, ammunition, and gun training.

Overall, that grant program (some $1 billion) is part of “The Every Student Succeeds Act,” and it is intended for academic and enrichment opportunities in the country’s poorest schools, and it calls for school districts to use the money toward three goals:  (1) Providing a well-rounded education, (2) improving school conditions for learning, and (3) improving the use of technology for digital literacy.

(Note: No mention of guns for marksmanship training of teachers or staff).

Further, in weighing this proposal, the Education Department has also taken into account that school shootings were not a consideration when Congress passed that bill – the “Every Student Succeeds Act in 2015.”

However, three of the remaining architects of the law — Rep. Scott (D-VA) and Sens. Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) — have all opposed the idea of arming teachers. They all say the student support grant was created from funds from other programs that were collapsed in the Every Student Succeeds Act that addressed issues like mental health, violence prevention, bullying and harassment.

Education Department officials acknowledged that should they carry out the DeVos proposal, it appears to be the first time that any federal agency has authorized the purchase of guns without congressional mandate and approval.

Experts say: Although no such restrictions exist in the federal education law, it could undermine the grant program’s adoption of “drug and violence prevention.

That would seem hypocritical about the intended purpose of the grant program in the first place.

Associated: DHS grants for example are for “School Preparedness,” and for not guns or ammunition.  The Trump administration has twice tried to eliminate that grant program from their budget, but Congress drafted a spending bill after the Parkland, FL school shooting and increased grant money by $700 million.

This idea also drew swift criticism from Democrats, teacher unions, education groups, and gun control activists, who said the response to school shootings should be fewer guns, not more as indicated below. 

However, Trump and others have argued that arming teachers would “harden schools and make them less likely targets for mass shootings.” 

Yep turn a school into a highly armed fortress and super challenge for more aggressive attacks: “Wow see what we did, we hit that heavily armed school and did our deed” – that would be the rally call of some guns nuts (IMV).

For example:

House DEM Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called the idea “one of the most egregious, short-sighted and dangerous executive branch abuses of our education system in modern history. Secretary DeVos continues to lead an anti-student and anti-teacher campaign on behalf of special interests and the NRA that rejects proven and effective initiatives to ensure a safe, welcoming school climate for children.”

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), the Sandy Hook school shooting, swiftly introduced an amendment that would block the Education Department from using the funds to arm schools, saying: “The Secretary of Education cares more about the firearms industry’s bottom line than the safety of our kids, and that should scare parents to death.”

Martin West, professor of education at Harvard University, expressed skepticism saying: “It seems very hard to imagine that members of Congress drafting Title IV envisioned that the funds would be used to arm teachers.”

Randi Weingarten, president of the AFT (American Federation of Teachers) the second largest education Union behind the NEA said: “Betsy DeVos wants to turn schools into armed fortresses and make kids and educators less safe, and to turn the federal government into an arms dealer for schools. That's insane, and instead of after-school programs or counselors, programs that are critical for creating safe and welcoming schools and addressing the mental health needs of kids, DeVos wants to turn schools into armed fortresses and make kids and educators less safe,” Weingarten concluded.

John Feinblatt, president of “Everytown for Gun Safety,” called the plan outrageous, adding: “America's teachers are already forced to spend their own meager salaries on basic school supplies, but the Trump Administration would rather use taxpayer money to buy them guns. The solution to school shootings isn't putting loaded guns in the hands of teachers — it's passing laws that will keep guns away from people who have dangerous histories.”

DeVos style: After the Parkland, FL shooting, Trump convened a federal commission on school safety, chaired by DeVos, to examine topics like mental and behavioral health resources, building security, and the role of law enforcement in schools. 

The commission has held several public hearings where educators and advocates from across the country have asked for expanded support staff and services, including school counselors, and additional security measures. Members of the commission have also visited school districts, like in rural Arkansas, where armed employees can be found at schools in areas not easily reached by law enforcement.

DeVos said the commission would not consider the role of guns in school shootings, but she later indicated that the panel would look narrowly at specific issues, including age limits for firearm purchases. 

Last month, Ms. DeVos’s assistant secretary for the office of elementary and secondary education, Jason Botel, reiterated that point in a congressional hearing. 

That prompted Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr., (D-NJ) to question the Education Department. In a letter to Mr. Botel, he asked if the department was planning to arm teachers. But the department issued a statement saying that it did not plan to do so because “this is a function appropriately reserved for the states.” 

The commission plans to issue recommendations by the end of the year.

DeVos seems to be saying to everyone except herself and like-minded morons: Kiss my ass — I'll do things my way.” 

The least qualified and inexperienced ever to lead Education 

Newly-renovated office just for DeVos

My 2 cents: First of all and as I’ve said a very long time, Betsy DeVos is a train wreck and hands down the most-awful and possibly the worse education secretary ever. This insane possible move by her underscores my assessment of her. 

Parents and tax payers all across the country should raise up and work to turn down this insane proposal.

And for Congress: Get off your collective asses and stop this utter insanity. This is not the way to send tax dollars – and that is propping up the gun industry and helping the NRA and nitwits who think more guns in schools (or on campuses or elsewhere) is the solution to gun violence problem – stupidity about having more guns seems to prevail and they should not. 

More is NOT always better, e.g., nukes in every corner of the globe will deter
nuclear war, right, ore so some say. I guess, until until some lunatic fringe group gets one and sets it off in downtown (your city) and then the domino effect kicks in and then: Bye, bye Mother Earth. Who can possibly justify more nukes is better with that scenario handing over us, just like now saying more guns is better to stop gun violence.

In combat and on the front lines, yes, more firepower is needed to win – but not in our schools and playgrounds or college campuses — nothing to gain or win there (e.g., Sandy Hook and numerous other examples)…

Now the question is: What will this Congress do? Hopefully real soon we’ll see. 

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