Tuesday, October 8, 2024

GA Elections Board: Gumming Up the 2024 Election Count to Please Trump


GA State Elections Board in Trump's Pocket
(3-2 Guess who favors Trump)

More utter madness in this update on the GA State Elections Board that is total insanity with this headline from PROPUBLICA:

“Skeptics Are Running Some County Election Boards in GA. Their New Rule Could Allow Them to Exclude Decisive 2024 Votes”

An examination of a new election rule in GA suggests that local officials in just a handful of rural counties could exclude enough votes to affect the outcome of the 2024 presidential race.

Brief instruction to this the latest impact: An examination of a new election rule in Georgia passed by the state’s Republican-controlled election board suggests that local officials in just a handful of rural counties could exclude enough votes to affect the outcome of the presidential race. Their rule was backed by national groups allied with Trump.

It gives county boards the power to investigate irregularities and exclude entire precincts from the vote totals they certify. Supporters of the rule, most of whom are Republicans, say it’s necessary to root out fraud. Critics, most of whom are Democrats, say it can be used as a tool to disenfranchise select buckets of voters.

The Original Story: GA State Election Board (5 members:  3 GOP; 2 DEM; and 1 non-partisan appointed chairman) are way out control regarding election results certification reported on here from CBS News and most all other major media outlets with this headline:

“GA Democrats sue over rules they say could block election certifications”

Atlanta — The GA state and national Democratic parties sued to block two recent rules adopted by Georgia's State Election Board (3-2 GOP-leaning vote) that could be used by county officials who want to refuse to certify an election, potentially causing delays in finalizing the state's results.

1. The lawsuit, filed before a state judge in Atlanta, argues the rules violate a state law that makes certification a mandatory duty based on the actual votes and NOT based on personal hunches, guesses, or itchy palms.

Note My insert: The BOE acts as an umpire who reports election results NOT serve as referees who along the way make up or decide new on-the-spot rules willy-nilly. The lawsuit says the rules invite post-election chaos, which the board is defying

GA state law clearly states: “County officials shall certify.”

I Further Note: They are not to change the rules or be a judge along the way just to please Trump, et al).

Fact: More than a century of court precedent in GA finds county officials have no wiggle room.

2. The suit asks the judge to find the rules invalid because the State Election Board, now dominated by 3 Trump allies, is exceeding its legal authority under GA state law.

The BOE vote alarms DEMS & voting rights activists against the raw partisan struggle over procedures that even predate the 2020 election a battle in yet another state over what had long been an admin afterthought: State and local boards certifying results.

My 2 Cents: The general summary of the above once again to measure the ugly nasty impact of that GA BOE 3-2 vote:

Repeat of the Heart of the Issue and the Pending Lawsuit: BOE (3-2 vote) changing the rules invite post-election chaos, that the board is defying state law that clearly says: “County officials shall certify (not change or modify) the outcome.” More than a century of court precedent in GA finds county officials have no wiggle room.

The lawsuit states in this key part:  According to the BOE drafters, these rules rest on the assumption that certification of election results by a county board is discretionary and subject to free-ranging action that the 3-2 board calls:

REASONABLE INQUIRY that may delay certification or foreclose entirely. But that is not the law in Georgia.

Impact if the unlawful rule (3-2 vote) is allowed to stand: It could impact other states as well and disrupt the entire 2024 election voter certification outcome.

The GA highest court, or the GA AG, and /or the GA SOS must overturn that wild and unlawful BOE vote. Now we wait to see, pending a Judge’s ruling now expected any day.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Israel Hits Inside Lebanon: Major War Looms for Entire ME & Maybe U.S. Too

Previous Question: Will Israel Invade Lebanon
(They have - maybe more later)

Major terrorist Ibrahim Aqil killed in attack
(Details on Aqil seen below)

The Middle East and once again a major concern for the entire region from ABC News with this article headline:

“Israel and Hezbollah trade fresh border barrages as region braces for war”

Key background that the public may or may not clearly understand from this article is boxed off below and this key note:

Hezbollah suffered another serious security breach when an Israeli airstrike in a densely-populated Beirut suburb killed Operations Chief and well-known international terrorist leader Ibrahim Aqil and 14 other members.

Background on Aqil: The U.S. State Department said he was a “principal member of the Hezbollah terrorist Islamic Jihad Organization” that claimed the bombings of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut in April 1983 that killed 63 people, including 17 Americans.

Aqil was also well-known for the U. S. Marine Corps barracks bombing in October 1983, which killed 241 U.S. personnel.

Aqil also “directed the abduction of American and German hostages in Lebanon” in the 1980’s.

LONDON – Sunday opened with a new barrage of Hezbollah fire into Northern Israel, according to the IDF, which continued its own campaign of cross-border strikes after a week of high-profile attacks across Lebanon.

The IDF said Hezbollah launched 150 rockets, cruise missiles, and drones toward Israel on Sunday, of which were fired within 45 minutes.

Hezbollah said the barrage was “an initial response to Israel's pager and walkie-talkie attacks in Lebanon last week.”

The IDF said it was strikingHezbollah terrorist targets in Lebanon in response, having already bombed 400 targets through Saturday.”

IDF international spokesperson aid in a Sunday morning briefing:There was heavy rocket fire by Hezbollah across multiple northern regions. This is a situation that is intolerable and Israel is committed to act to change this reality.”

Cross-border fire has been near-constant since October 8, when Hezbollah began attacks in protest of Israel's latest offensive into the Gaza Strip, which followed Hamas' October 7 operation in Israel. 

Hezbollah, which controls southern Lebanon and is backed by Iran, has vowed to continue its attacks until Israeli forces withdraw from Gaza. Tensions have been steadily mounting on the Israel-Lebanon border as the war drags on and cease-fire negotiations fail. Israel has long demanded Hezbollah withdraw its forces north of the Litani River – some 18 miles from the Israeli border – per the 2006 UN Security Council resolution that sought to end the last major clash between the two sides.

Tens of thousands of Israelis have left their homes in the border region since October, 8 under the threat of Hezbollah strikes. Their safe return is a key war goal for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government.

My 2 Cents: Pluses and minuses from the above report. How much longer will this go on and will it get worse? 

That is key question for if it gets worse and drags in Iran and their allies against Israel, then we in the U.S. probably will be blamed and dragged into another all-out ME war there has been 7 since 1948 … this would the worst of all since Iran is now more heavily armed and allied with Russia, too.

I hope that does not happen. Key to not seeing that happen is PM Netanyahu. He is for his one-sided rule in that that area: “From the river to the sea” as that expression says. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Trump and Laura Loomer: She's His New Breast Female Friend the Pics Prove It

Loomer 9/11 denier lies about Kamala's earrings

Loomer stays close to Trump as pics prove 

The MAGA right-wing, more like the GOP's ultra-far right Trump cult wing strikes again with this crazy conspiracy-laced headline story from CBS News:

“Right-wing influencer spreads false claim Kamala Harris wore earpiece during debate”

Social media users, including conspiracy theorist, and way far-right activist who said 9/11 was an “inside job.”

Laura Loomer, is a total lunatic, now claiming that VP Kamala Harris's earrings worn during the debate with Trump were Nova H-1 audio earphones, which are styled to look like pearl earrings.

Loomer's crazy unfounded post received more than 1.3m views the very next morning.

Loomer made that claim that VP Harris wore clip-on audio headphones disguised as pearl earrings circulated on social media following that first Harris-Trump debate promoted by prominent accounts on X and other platforms for example. 

However, the earphones do not look the same as Harris's earrings that she was wearing (see photo above and below).

A photograph of the original Nova H-1 product shows that the Nova H-1 earphones wrap around the earlobe, whereas VP’s Harris's earrings dangle and are for pierced earlobes. 

The earrings Harris wore appear to be a pair of Tiffany & Co. South Sea Pearl Earrings from their Hardwear collection (side by side photos seen here – case closed).

Factual Note: Harris has worn those same gold earrings at previous events, including during an August 6 rally in PA and during the Juneteenth White House concert during the summer. 

My 2 Cents: Far be it from this Trump MAGA-owned and operated GOP to pass up a good lie or conspiracy such as this earring audio device story.

Or maybe not considering Trump said during the same debate with VP Harris that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH were catching, killing, and eating city-owned pets.

That too has been debunked by the Springfield City Mayor, Rob Rue, the City Manager, and Ohio’s own GOP Gov. Mike DeWine. All have disputed that claim (BBC report here).

Additionally, the Springfield police and other city officials also have said there were no credible reports of Haitian immigrants stealing pets to eating them.

The truth from REUTERS news: Social media posts has bodycam footage of a woman’s arrest in Canton, OH for killing and eating a cat to support the above online narratives, but Canton police spokesperson Dennis Garren said in an email:That suspect in this case is not a Haitian immigrant. She is a lifelong Canton resident.”

MAGA-Trump sustained BS score: Zero – the truth and the facts: 100%.

Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Bitcoin & Cyrptocurrency: Grifters, Scammers & Con Artists Two of Four Moving

Trump; Musk; Madoff (D: 2021); Bankman-Fried
(1 to be sentenced; 1 w/Trump; 1 died in prison; 1 in prison)

Trump wants to get rid of the world’s safest money – the U.S. dollar and replace it with Bitcoin cryptocurrency – or so says Trump and his new economic BFF and monetary sidekick, Elon Musk – what could possible go wrong with that twosome in charge of the Treasury Department; the Federal Reserve; U.S. currency overall; and well, your wallet, cash in hand, and in our bank and other accounts? Ouch…

Story here from VANITY FAIR and in other media sites on that same subject with this headline:

“Trump’s Bizarre Crypto Cash-in is Actually Perfectly on Brand”

When he was president, Trump said he was “not a fan” of cryptocurrency, adding a Tweet in 2019:We have only one real currency in the USA. It is called the United States Dollar!”

Also, while in office, Trump sharply criticized crypto. In 2019, he derided digital assets in a post on X asHighly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade.”

Oops… as former TX Gov. Rick Perry once said say.

It was an unusually sensible position for an otherwise incorrigibly foolish man. Given Trump’s appetite for grift — and the overlap between his movement and crypto true believers — it was only a matter of time before he got into the digital currency.

He’s done so wholeheartedly lately — albeit in that fumbling, bumbling way of his that makes clear he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. He has repeatedly described himself the “crypto president”—including in a video last week hawking his scammy digital trading cards. He promised in an Economic Club of NY appearance to make America “the world capital for crypto and Bitcoin.” 

He’s even dipping a toe into the muddy waters himself, as the chief crypto advocate for his family’s forthcoming startup: “World Liberty Financial” (run by Don Jr. and Eric – what could go wrong there, I wonder)?

Bottom of Form

That project has gone about as well as you might expect a venture headed by his sons Donald Jr. and Eric to go: Earlier this week, soon after Trump himself promoted his family’s latest scheme on his TruthSocial page, the X accounts of his daughter Tiffany Trump and his daughter-in-law Lara Trump were apparently hacked, with links posted to the pages directing followers to what Eric Trump indicated were “scam” World Liberty Financial sites.

The alleged hack of Lara Trump — who serves as a co-chair of the RNC — underscores the political liabilities of the former president’s clumsy foray into cryptocurrency.

Trump supporter Nic Carter, founding partner at Castle Island Ventures, told Politico of the Trump family’s latest undertaking:This is a huge mistake. It looks like Trump’s inner circle is just cashing in on his recent embrace of crypto in a kind of naive way, and frankly it looks like they’re burning a lot of the good will that’s been built with the industry so far.”

Of course, Trump’s naivety — and evident disregard for the welfare of even those who support him — is part of what makes him an asset to a freewheeling industry resistant to real regulation. At the annual bitcoin conference in Nashville this summer, Trump compared crypto to the “steel industry of 100 years ago” and he promised to deregulate it, including by firing SEC Chair Gary Gensler, who has criticized the industry as the “wild west.”

Trump said: “I will appoint an SEC chair who will build the future, not block the future.” 

Then Trump called for the establishment of a national bitcoin “stockpile” — even as he suggested he didn’t really know all that much about the digital currency, adding:Most people have no idea what the hell it is. So what happens when everyone figures it out?”

The Trump family’s current crypto misadventure from Don Jr. and Eric could be yet another conflict of interest for the former president. 

For example, Jordan Libowitz, a spokesperson for the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) told the AP: “Taking a pro-crypto stance is not necessarily troubling. The troubling aspect is doing it while starting a way to personally benefit from it.” But Trump’s embrace of crypto also seems to reflect his increasingly cozy symbiotic relationship with what’s been called the new tech right — a cast of characters that includes Elon Musk.

Musk framed his support for Trump in libertarian terms, and JD Vance’s patron Peter Thiel, the venture capitalist whose politics can be best described as fascist, as the writer John Ganz has put it:It’s a confederation of figures who support Trump for the same reasons rich assholes always do — because of his promise to cut their taxes and, as he said at the Economic Club of New York, to liberate our economy from crippling regulation.”

But Trump's movement also serves as a vessel for some of the new tech right's stranger and more corrosive visions, which are chock-full of far-right junk— but with a fresh coat of technocratic paint.

Trump told the Economic Club, endorsing an idea pitched by Musk in an interview last month:I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the federal government and making recommendations for drastic reforms.”

Musk responded (see my earlier post) saying:I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises.”

My 2 Cents: Trump and family might outta research this guy: Sam Bankman-Fried before you try to change from the world’s famous and trusted dollar to some kind of Bernie Madoff scam cryptocurrency grift rip off, okey dokey? 

All this is classic Trump: “Do, say, pay, try, lie, imply, or deny everything, then blame others, even those close to him all the while he ducks, dodges, deflects, denies, and distracts. 

Trump is a classic con artist par excellence. 

Thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Admits to Crime: In Interview Trump Said He Had Right to Election Interference

SCOTUS Immunity Just Went Down in Flames
(In legal reality Trump admitted to Federal crime)

Wow – talk about Trump being arrogant and out of touch with reality and the rule of law in this shocking story from him published from THE HILL with the below headline that takes the proverbial cake.

Solid Legal Fact: Trump's statement – in his own words –are an admission of his guilt for the January 6 insurrection. That is admission of the Federal crime of election interference, and once again in his own words.

SCOTUS must now reverse their immunity they gave Trump back in their July ruling since he admits to the crime – no other choice.

The headline story:

“Trump says he had ‘every right’ to interfere in election 2020”

Trump in an interview broadcast late Sunday (Labor Day) argued that he had “every right to interfere with the 2020 election while repeating his claim the criminal election interference cases against him are politically motivated.”

Trump in a live interview on FOX News “Life, Liberty and Levin” said: It’s so crazy, that my poll numbers go up. Whoever heard you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up. When people get indicted your poll numbers go down.”

Trump was responding to a suggestion from host Mark Levin that President Joe Biden or VP Kamala Harris could have told their AG to “knock it off, in reference to the federal election interference case.”

1. Trump also still faces federal charges in Washington for his alleged actions to subvert the 2020 election results following the insurrection attack on the Nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021.

2. Trump is separately charged in GA with racketeering (RICO) and other state counts over an alleged scheme to overturn the state’s 2020 election results.

He continued with the interview saying: Well, this is the worst case of election interference that anyone’s ever seen, certainly in our country. They do this in Third World countries, they have some of it in South America, and they don’t do it a lot, believe it or not. But they do it. And it’s such a bad precedent because people are going to think about it differently, and they’re going to think about it differently. And it’s very sad, actually.”

He went on to say those prosecuting the cases against him are politically biased against him and then adding:They put people in the DA’s office. This was all coming out of the DOJ in order to get their political opponent — me.”

Then he said that Fulton Country GA DA Fani Willis:Came up with this crazy scheme and a lot of people were hurt” (in reference to the co-defendants charged alongside him there and note: 3 of them who were close to him all pleaded guilty and have been cooperating with Wills for deals – oh, that’s gotta hurt…).

These remarks come days after special counsel Jack Smith last week filed a superseding indictment in the federal election subversion case in the wake of the Supreme Court’s landmark immunity ruling for Trump in July.

The nation’s high court ruled “presidents have absolute immunity for actions that fall within the core responsibilities of their office” and are “at least presumptively immune” for all other official acts.”

Trump has repeatedly claimed he should be immune from the charges as a result.

The ruling sent the case back to a lower court to reconsider whether his actions on January 6, 2021, merit special protection from criminal prosecution or nor. 

S/C Jack Smith presented the case to a second grand jury, which had not previously heard the matter. It likewise concluded the charges were warranted against the president.

The Harris campaign ripped Trump for his new remarks. 

The Harris-Walz campaign spokesperson Sarafina Chitka said: Everything Trump has promised on the campaign trail – from terminating the Constitution, to imprisoning his political opponents, and promising to rule as a dictator on day one, makes it clear that he believes he is above the law. Now, he claims that he had ‘every right’ to interfere in the 2020 election. He did not. While he is pushing his false history about the past, the American people are ready for a new way forward. They know Harris is a tough-as-nails prosecutor. We need to turn the page on chaos, fear, and division, and uphold the rule of law.”

My 2 Cents: What an excellent article and I have to say in all honesty spot on. Trump flat out wrong and he continues to push insane illogical comments that defy common sense and any rational thinking.

As many have said as more people keep saying: “He should not ever again be anywhere near the Oval Office, period.”

As for me, I have full faith in the voters regardless of what some polls say about this election being close – it is not at least in my opinion,

I honestly believe VP Harris will win in an historical landslide (24 big state wins vs. Trump’s 26 smaller MAGA states) and she wins by more than 20 million popular votes. 

Thus, she gets 291 (or more) EC votes of the 538 available, and MAGA Trump ends up with 247 (ore less) & his second loss.

But we shall see, so stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Project 2025 & Agenda 47: Trump Denies the Harmful Effect of Both Plans

Agenda 47Title of Trump’s 2nd Term Playbook
(He claims no knowledge of Project 2025 – B.S.)

Before you read the awful view and statements below from Trump vis-à-vis federal employees who serve in key positions read this short reminder of the law all civil servants MUST follow:

The Hatch Act of 1939 is the law to prevent pernicious political activities.  Its main provision prohibits civil-service employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except  the president and vice president from engaging in some forms of political activity. 

It became law on August 2, 1939.

Now more scary stuff flowing from Trump’s mouth case in point he will fire federal employees and put in “loyalist to him” not loyal to their job, country, and within their oath of office reported on here from the LA TIMES with this headline:

“Trump's ‘Agenda 47’ calls for sweeping changes to federal workforce”

After one term as president in which his promise to remake the massive federal government mostly came up short, Trump again is raining fury on the “deep state,” pledging if elected in November to replace career civil servants with his like-minded allies.

Watch this short video introduction in Trump’s own words:

If Trump and his GOP vice presidential running mate, JD Vance, were to win then try to remake the federal workforce in the way they have described (absolute loyalty to Trump and not to their oath of  office), it would be the most radical reconfiguration of the U.S. government in 140 years.

How that would happen according to Trump: Critics, including nonpartisan analysts and experts, say Trump’s proposal to replace tens of thousands of civil servants with MAGA loyalists would in essence  resurrect 19th century “spoils system” which Congress scrapped in the late 1800’s due to rampant incompetence and cronyism.

Historical Note: Congress moved to eliminate the spoils system in 1883, about 18 months after disgruntled job-seeker, Charles Julius Guiteau (later hanged for the murder of President Garfield on June 30, 1882),

Guiteau shot and assassinated President James A. Garfield, the 20th president on September 19, 1881, whom he believed owed him a government job.

FYI: For much of the 1800’s on the understanding that individuals won jobs with the government not by proving their expertise, but by having connections to presidents and their parties.

Max Stier, president of the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit that analyzes federal agencies and their employees says: “You're now, talking about 140 years of presidential administrations — GOP and DEM — who all supported the proposition that the best way to get an effective government was to have a career, professional, merit-based civil service. So the idea that we would convert that, or return to a 19th-century-style spoils system, is a huge anomaly. It's a radical change.”

Trump has made clear he does not intend to be dissuaded by those who have worked within the government before. He recently offered his emphatic endorsement of a total government housecleaning when he was asked him whether he would restore trust in government by holding federal workers “accountable.”

Trump responded in the video clip above in his own words: “They’ve got to be held accountable. They’re destroying this country. They’re crooked people. They’re dishonest people.” 

He also has made clear his disdain for the FBI, federal prosecutors, and others who investigated him over his efforts to remain president after he lost the 2020 election — among other things.

But he has said little about others he might considercrooked, or which agencies and job categories he would target in a federal workforce of more than 2 million civil servants.”

So, ask yourself: 

1.    Would those ousted include scientists and engineers who support clean energy programs — such as wind and solar power and electric vehicles — that Trump has ridiculed?

2.    Would economists at the nonpartisan Bureau of Labor Statistics find themselves on the street if they were to produce numbers that he did not like?

Note: The official oath of office for all citizens appointed to any Federal office position – also note who their loyalty is to – not to any one person but  to the Constitution.

I (STATE YOUR FULL NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”


My 2 Cents: All mental health experts agree and conclude that Trump suffers from narcissism, a self-centered personality complex and life style. 

In the extreme it contributes to the definition of narcissistic personality disorder, a psychiatric condition marked by grandiosity, excessive need for attention and admiration, and an inability to empathize – sure sounds like Trump doesn’t it? 

I’ve said before and now again based on the above “Agenda 47 plan and Project 2025 possibly combined that spells the end of democracy in America. Not my opinion but facts based on Trump’s own words those written in the documents.

The man must never be allowed in the White House ever again – just that simple, but believe me he will pull out every trick in his playbook as he seeks a greedy return to power. 

I don’t believe it will happen, but he does and he will fight another election loss just like in 2020 until Hell itself freezes over.

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

GA Bd. of Elections: Skip the Law Our Opinion is Key in 2024 Vote Certification

GA Bd. of Election v. 2024 Vote Certification
(3 of 5 vote to ignore state law. Guess who)

MAJOR UPDATE from NEWSWEEK in GA with this headline story relating to the main story article that follows below:

“Donald Trump Stung by Key Legal Ruling in Georgia”

Georgia GOP AG Chris Carr shot down a GOP effort to reopen an investigation into repeated discredited claims that victory was stolen from Trump in the 2020 election.

The 5-member Georgia State Election Board, now controlled by Trump loyalists who support election fraud conspiracy theories, earlier this month voted 3-2 in an attempt to order AG Carr to resume a previously closed investigation into Trump's 2020 loss in Fulton County.

In his official decision issued on Monday August 19, Carr wrote that his office “… is not required to conduct an investigation on its own or with outside personnel at the direction of a clientand ruling that the board “…is not empowered to direct the Attorney General to conduct an investigation.”

Newsweek reached out for comment to the Georgia State Election Board via online contact form on Monday (August 19).

My 2 cents: I say thank you AG Chris Carr, who is obviously a decent man who stands for justice in that sustained Trump nonsense case that he lost the 2020 race and he can't let go. Well done, Mr. Carr.

The Main Original Post Article Follows Below:

This crazy GOP story from GA and perhaps in other GOP-run states heading into November 2024 election with this headline from AXIOS is very concerning and worrisome:

“New Georgia election rule requires county to probe election results”

GA progressives say the state election board's new rule requiring counties to conduct a “Reasonable Inquiry” before certifying the results could wreak havoc in the November election and beyond.

Why it matters: GA has 159 counties, which means it has 159 county election boards. Those boards are required by law to certify the results of elections. 

Opponents of the new GOP measure say current GA law clearly states: “…county election boards shall certify results,” meaning they can't exercise discretion but must follow the law.

A single county board's inquiry — the new rule does not define what that entails — could delay or halt the certification of results, state Rep. Saira Draper (D-Atlanta) told Axios. 

The rule is the latest skirmish over what the AP’s Jeff Amy succinctly called an “administrative afterthought” that has become a national battleground over post-election results, including GA in 2020.

The other side: Supporters of the measure, including GOP board member Janice Johnston, argue that Georgia law rules require county election board members to vouch for the accuracy of the results, and said: If elections are conducted fairly and legally and accurately, most of the time, they are certified. So it's not the end of the world. We're not asking the board to do a full election audit or a forensic audit. We're just asking for a reasonable inquiry.”

GA House Minority Whip Sam Park (D-Lawrenceville) expressed concerns after Trump praised Johnston and the two other GOP board members during his August 3 Atlanta rally

Johnston also attended the Trump event – the one DEM board member and non-partisan chairman voted against the gimmick staying within the law.

Draper argues that the new rule is beyond the board's authority and could sow chaos and distrust in the election system across the political spectrum. 

So, what's next: The rule would take effect 20 days after its Tuesday passage, the AJC reports, but could face a legal challenge.

In a message on X, SOS Brad Raffensperger said: GA law requires counties to certify the November 5 election results by November 12th and we fully anticipate that counties will follow the law.”

My 2 Cents: I suspect if SOS Raffensperger is correct then the next phone call he would get if Trump were to lose would mirror the one he got on January 3, 2021 saying in part (AP report): “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have.  Because we won the state.”)

Election boards have a simple duty: Watch the vote, count and tabulate the vote, report the results and NOT to act like a Judge and make a wild decision: Just follow the law and rules and do your damn job.

This GA move outside of the law is insane – in essence what they are saying is: We don’t have to follow the law just our hunch and unless we win, we’ll keep this up until we do win. 

Case closed and disgusting isn’t it? Yes it is. That format will follow in 2024 if Trump loses which he will and January 6, 2021 will look like child’s play in round two – bet on it.

My recent related post is here on this very same subject of voting integrity and Trump’s MAGA / Rightwing nutty resistance BS to win at all costs.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Justice Wins: NY Nails NRA CEO for Fraud & Fed Judge Axes DeSantis WOKE Law

NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre heads for trial
(Ripped off NRA members for personal lifestyle)

Federal Judge Cancels FL WOKE law
(DeSantis loses big case)

NY AG and Federal Judge in FL highlight two major stories blasting the far right. 


First Decision Headline Story:Former NRA leader Wayne LaPierre gets 10-year ban from serving in NRA and affiliates.

Subtitle: LaPierre held liable for financial mismanagement of the NRA.

That story from ABC News:

Highlights of LaPierre’s Crime & Penalty: The NY jury determined that LaPierre's violation of his duties cost the NRA $5.4 million in damages, though he already repaid more than $1 million to the organization. He must pay $4.35 million, NY AG’s office said. 

They had sued the NRA and its senior management in 2020, claiming they misappropriated millions of dollars to fund personal benefits – including private jets, family vacations, and luxury goods. The accusations came at the end of a three-year investigation into the NRA, which is registered in New York as a nonprofit charitable corporation.

Second Decision Headline Story: “Federal Judge blocks DeSantis ‘Stop WOKE Law’ in Florida

Subtitle: In his unsuccessful run for president DeSantis’ slogan was: “Florida is where WOKE goes to die.”

That story from CNN

Highlights from DeSantis: He was noted for telling people:Don’t say Gay; Don’t Read This Book; or That Book” as part of his ban.  

My 2 Cents: Two interesting articles that proves once again that our judicial system does work and NOT for extreme political purposes we see far too much from SCOTUS recently.

Thanks for stopping by.